
Omer Bhatti is secretly a cloned embryo of Jackson, carried to birth by LaToya, which is why Janet HATES him, I read that once.

I remember that Friends episode !

When I had to go to rehab for meth and heroin, I fucking explained to those people I was NOT addicted, just dependent, and it was all totally fine, AND NO ONE LISTENED. if only I'd had alberton there to help me.

Alberto's right guys! Propofol is totally harmless and not controlled at all. I just picked some up at CVS earlier today to help with my afternoon nap. It's normal.

Oh. I thought they were ghouls.

I also read he wanted to get 20 hours of sleep but his doctor said no, that's too much! Let's settle in the middle, and that's how they agreed on 15.

This isn't true.

Wasn't Macaulay Culkin only 7 when he famously filed a lawsuit against Jackson, and won millions in a settlement, and got a secret court-sealed admission of pedophilia? That's what I heard.

I heard they were 8-year olds

Is This It?

*HTC mails check for $0.37 to Perry Carter

Obviously he meant that.

I did the same from '07-'12, just way too old for it now. Unless maybe I can afford that VIP section where the olds seem to congregate

Maaaaaaan I did not understand a single word of that

I didn't touch a drug till I was 25, and then I pushed it as far as I possibly could for a good six years. I feel like the long-term repercussions have been stunningly minimal. I attribute this to not starting until I was older, among other things. I really do think age is a big factor here, it's not everything, but

I know a mid-60s heroin addict right now. And back when I was using, the St Louis dope-trains would line up, usually I'd be over on 2nd street, and there'd be people of all ages and appearances there, in everything from beat-ass hoopties to luxury cars.

impossible for me to believe you're getting any kind of a buzz off Advil at any dosage.

That smokers-only reefer

Feel like he's been conspicuously absent lately.

I know better than to browse these comments when I'm eating or drinking, but I do it anyway. Congrats, I gotta go back home and change my clothes. Got Red Bull coming out of my nose, the paaaaain