
Was about to furiously post the same thing. Garbage article. I grasp that "Read this" is basically one step above GJI but still.

Oh, they deserved the poisoning. They deserved worse, they were real shits.

Well it was actually the totally innocent owner of their old rival bar whose home was destroyed and lawn set ablaze.

He was just jerkin' it Fred Willard style. It's been 20+ years, should have been forgiven long ago

She "double drops" the bills

I loved reigniting the rivalry, for one reason: they found a group of people worse than them (those frat kids were fucking horrible) and they fucking got them. It was great.

FUCK this new comment aystem

Franks always been about the eggs. He was putting them in the Paddy's swag bags seasons ago. You can use it as a paperweight!

The article at the wrap has him saying that even if his pilot isn't picked up that's not going to effect his decision to be on IASIP. Maybe a bluff but maybe he's really just done

They all have such finely tuned roles in the group dysfunctional-dynamic I don't think you can really lose any of them

Cannot believe they actually blew up the Land Rover. That's been part of the show from day 1 and it's survived everything

That's true, he did make that work. I'm excited to see what he does.

Honestly I wish him the best of luck with his career. I will be so surprised if I can ever see him in anything and *not* think of Dennis

Man I would love a good B.B. Recipe

Pffff, expecting us to google it ourselves?! Link or GTFO!


I was always furious that, in both comics and movies, he didn't grimace in pain everytime and that blood didn't spurt everywhere anytime he got them out. I understand Logan may actually address this a bit with the pus and non-healing wounds…?

Just here from the future, keeping this dream alive.

Just went back and man, there's no way he was writing these rambling, often-tangential / off-topic reviews *without* being on pills of some kind. Fuck I miss those days.

Good reminder for me to go back to comments and shout into the void, demanding an answer.