
The Jellybeans are legendary around here. I doubt there's more than a handful of Rabin-penned articles that don't have a mention of them in the comments.

I thought metal coverage pretty much ended when Pierce left.

This one always gets forgotten. Thanks for keeping the candle lit.

"Jellybeans" is a specific euphemism which refers to the Adderall that Jack Donaghy slipped in amongst the candy he gave Tracy Jordan to insure a composed TV appearance in an episode of 30 Rock.

No. You spoiler people can live in a hermetically sealed bubble if that's what you need, don't fucking infringe on the rest of us

Let's just be glad we didn't have to read the word "seeso" again


Rabin will be visibly inebriated every other episode, and when he starts to go off-script about Juggalos they just cut away to the credits

No budget for that, but there will be 5 more new GJIs per day.

The year is 2008. Nathan Rabin waits for Phipps to leave the office. "Gonna be a long night!" He waves to his coworker. A bead of sweat rolls down his forehead. His hand trembles as he waits for click of the latch and the sound of ever-quieter footsteps. He's safe. With a frenzied recklessness he tears open the drawer

Oh I meant IRL, accent and everything! I'm sure it plays well here.

I quote that all the fucking time and it never gets a positive reaction. No one gets it and I just come off like a fucking weirdo. And yet I continue to do it.

While I agree that glass scene is totally implausible, it's also super badass and memorable, so I think it needs to stay. I saw the movie on HBO as a kid and for years that was the only imagery from it I could remember.

Basically once you go south of I-80 it's all Kentucky

He just had to get in one last dig at it too

Damnit, there's not going to be anything but GJI here really soon.

Repo Man. It's Repo Man you're thinking of.

Personally my favorite time travel moment was when Erlich Bachman's future self placed a call through time to let his younger self know he would die ugly and alone.

So what? A desk is a desk. It's not sacred. We're not a colony, fuck the Queen. And fuck this couch while we're at it.

Who cares? He was president, it's his fucking desk. For the record, I don't care about this incident either. It's just fucking furniture, we have real problems to be outraged about.