
Fuckin' loved this movie but I would only recommend it to someone who is willing to take it on its own terms and is the type of person to prize an attempt at something different

Bc lazy article

Fuck no they dont

He was super cool until maybe four years ago when people turned on him for reasons unknown to me. My guess, he just became popular and well-known enough via his collaborations for it to be cool to shit on him. Other than slamming Taylor Swift and dating Katie Perry, I'm not sure how he became some kind of "bro" emblem

I have a childhood friend who never grew up that, minus any sort of physical attractiveness, could have slotted directly in EW's role in this film. Those people are fcking real, throwing stars and everything. Usually with pet reptiles as well.

Murder Party is basically a student film. If you look at it through the lens of a zero-budget starter project, it's kinda cool to see what they were able to pull off. Seeing it back when it was released, I could tell it wasn't a great movie but there was enough talent on display to make me pay attention when Blue Ruin

Just watched this, totally disagree with the review. To me this felt like another Saulnier pic. I'd put it below Blue Ruin and Green Room but I definitely didn't feel there was some big tonal dissonance to this movie like Dowd.

I come here for fcking text. i have never and will never watch a goddamn video or listen to audio here.

Man for as much as Gervais is trying to retroactively ruin everything great he ever did, that series was pretty perfect. That bit alone is immortal.

Man I really feel like they wasted fassbender and mcavoy with the last two films. First Class gave me so much hope, then blah

I see that you speak Heptapod

As much as people hate child sidekicks, Short Round was pretty competent

Things I wouldn't believe?

As soon as he let himself go physically, he lost that tightly-coiled-spring aura that made him so electric in RS and LAC

Haven't been able to complete a single Zelda game post-GBC. Even the lauded N64 ones just didn't do anything for me.

I go to bat for that movie in the basis of the theme song along. Resist it's corny dated appeal all you want, it will still get you pumped up.

Man he was great in RS. Also loved him in L.A. Confidential.

What don't you want was just the cherry on the top of the "trying way too hard" sundae

Wait, which one of these is faux-macho and image obsessed? Because I feel like you're a visitor from fucking Bizarro World right now.

NCFOM had the sack to not be machismo from front to back though. No contest.