
Upvoted for testosterone-psychosis. I couldn't stand the macho-bullshit-overload. And the Darwin Award scene was total crap. He's just standing in the middle of the road! Compare that to the high water mark of standing In the street with an automatic weapon, Heat, and it's laughable.

Upvoted, BUT!

The "you'd think there was ten of me" gas station fight was the nail in the coffin for me. So cliche, so "macho".

Chill pills? You have some? How much?! Can you ship priority?

Well this came off like super-macho bullshit to me, with dialog I can only describe as labored. I do however give it some points for having the balls to kill Bridges' partner, although I really should have seen that coming. I subtract those points immediately however for the rattlesnake by the body scene.

Lime-a-rita? Fuck that shit! Chelada!

Heard you this first time buddy

Heard you the second time bro.

I remember feeling a legitimate sense of loss that Marin was gone. possibly my first video game crush, later to be followed by the women of FFVII which was released right in the middle of my pubescence. So many disturbing websites were visited late at night on a stolen AOL login.

It blew my little ten year old mind away. I just ended the existence of an entire civilization! I had a love interest! The chickens! That ghost! All gone, like tears in the rain.

If so, I'm in. ALL in

He's in the clip!

Edit: my bad

Doesn't the fact that those are fake take the fun out of it for you?

I believe you meant Convenant

"Convenant", come on guys, that doesn't even take an editor, just the built in spellcheck. Goddamn.

That's bad.

I watched it in theaters, I was ~10-13 years old (can't remember year). I almost had to leave the theater because of the creeping dread that began to overwhelm me. So, I've always had a soft spot for it, even if it is simply because I first saw it as a garbage teenager.

It's right there on Wikipedia:

While I loved the first episode, it is a little rough. The show gets better and better throughout all of S1