
100% Incorrect. Not sure if troll.

One and the same, proud member of NAMBLA

Harmon just likes shit until it becomes actual work with expectations and responsibility. S1 of any show comes with none of the baggage.

Nothing Futurama ever did remotely compared, for me, to R&M abandoning their entire universe and burying their corpses - Morty was traumatized. Or Jerry and Beth realizing they needed each other in intergalactic cable. Fry's dog never had that kind of pathos for me. Show was too cartoony in the traditional manner.

A five-star episode.

Barely functional depressed addict is the only reason I listen to him, it's relatable

It's not your fault at all, but everything in that first paragraph made me want to smash every glass in my house and upend my table.

Pretty sure if you look like JGL you can wear whatever the fuck you want.

It's very hard for me to separate these people from their characters in order to assess them. Because of that, I probably gotta go with Charlie.

They always pull this shit now.

No, just a burn out

In no way was the scene in JW2 making this reference to KR's career. This is the epitome of making up shit to have an article.

"Look, we have a solid copy desk here at The A.V. Club, […]"

I feel like you don't see anything at a Hooter's you wouldn't see on a nice summer day.

No clue on the price, it's been a long time since I lived near one, but I'd just call ahead and they had a little separate cash register / merch area and the food would be right there waiting.

Grilled mahi sandwich is killer, get some wings with that, A+. So yeah I go there for the food. 90% of the time I order that shit for pickup

That's because as far as I can tell, the entire current staff is made up of freelancers that are all +/- 5 years FROM high school.

*adjusts glasses

Saw this tonight in a packed house with a 5 year old. Much less audience enthusiasm than the original Lego movie.

Most popular guy in the office right here, no doubt!