
I think sometimes everyone involved understands you're just a journeyman / hired gun. Did you meet your deadlines and come in on budget? Then you did all that they wanted out of you.

Agree with you except about inception. The fact that some of Inception's scenes were actual sets elevates it above this IMO. That hallway fight with JGL!

Until I saw his childhood miracle it didn't click for me that there was specific power to those words.

I limited what I said to avoid setting off the "spoilerphobes".

I actually like that, because while it might mean that God endorses Lenny, I'm not a believer that the show itself endorses those viewpoints.

I think that with this show, it's very much meant to be taken at face value.

Guaranteed he personally gives zero fucks, this is just the work of whoever is in the PR gulag over there

Fair enough, as she is a scheming opportunist herself.

Not quite. More like all his skin starts sloughing off and turns green and grey before a slow, miserable death.

I rag on him constantly but Snyder is a visual talent. He just needs to have someone else be the creative force and we can get somewhere.

I will agree with the caveat that Tom Hardy's accent alone almost saved the third one… for me.

All they need to do is give Rabin some beans, a blunt, and permission to write freely about black culture, clown culture, and 90s boy bands and they'll have limitless content.

And that's even addressed by The Dark Knight!

I keep trying to rebut this but I can't come up with anything.

Just wanted to say that despite being an ultra-libtard, I've always enjoyed and even respected his "fuck it! We'll do it live!" Moment.

Wait, does Cookie-grammar not apply when making references?!

Except… that would mean she got the message wrong

Well, my understanding of that was that since Plan A was just PR, the time dilation didn't actually matter to the real plan.

I assumed the massive waves were some weird tidal function due to proximity to the black hole (or maybe an unseen moon, I dunno). But I just rolled with the idea that the ocean was shallow because all its water was sucked up into mile high waves.

Causal loop my man, hold the door!