
Solely as a movie, that shit was just alright. But as a concept, it's great, and I still think about it to this day. Specifically, HOW WOULD YOU DEFEAT THE MIRROR? Can you? Is there any way to be sure you're not in it's AOE? Is the only way to win not to play the game? Spent soooo many hours stoned debating this

Say what you want about his personal life but he is absolutely not a one-note actor. Maybe if you've only seen the last ten years of his work. In that case, Deniro is a "one-note actor" as well.

I love book Muldoon but fuuuuuuuck he was great on-screen. Always wanted a "cooler" death for him, although then we wouldn't have gotten "Clever girl" so I guess it's a wash.

Trying to follow the plot machinations of the show as if it's Game of Thrones will only lead to disappointment. This is not that type of show.

Fuuuuuuuuck 1990s Russell Crowe, come baaaaaaaack

That is exactly what happened, at the decree of King Spielberg, who didn't even really follow the goddamn book!

Now speaking only for myself here, even if everything in the first movie happened… if you told me I could see a real-life dinosaur at risk of life and limb, I would still sell every earthly possession to go there.

It's the visual equivalent of the Mortal Kombat theme. You know it's tacky shit, but it fuckin' gets ya

To be fair, I had just read snowcrash and I was a preadolescent, and the idea of a blonde attractive computer-literate girl made me feel… something.

The book is life-changing if you are the right age, which for me was around 9-10. I'm sure it was completely inappropriate material for my age, but holy fuck did it blow my mind.

It's so much better without Hammond being this humanize genteel Grandpa. As a vicious profiteer he's a better villain.

I was always bothered that he got taken out in the exact raptor-pack scenario described earlier in the film. Surely he would have known it was a trap!

It's cleaner

Saulnier would be fucking awesome for this

Eh, one time I saw them, Jesse sat there on the floor fucking with the feedback for a solid 6 or 7 minutes, which, in the moment, felt like approx 2 hours.

At HOB in Chicago, maybe circa 2006-2010(?) Vin chucked his guitar higher into the air than I've ever seen anyone throw one in my life during "Tommy Gun", caught while seamlessly flowing into a backwards somersault, then stood up just in time for that vicious guitar riff. They really fucking improved that song over

Avatar was an abysmal movie. As a tech demo, it was fucking incredible. Still not sure I've seen 3D utilized that well and it's been a decade.

I actually think this is Blompkaffs (sp) issue as well. Great idea man, has an excellent eye for visuals, but needs to hand the screenwriting over to someone else. Obviously he's tiers and tiers below Cameron, but same fundamental issue applies.

Exactly. For example, I don't like any of Lenny's stances on abortion or homosexuality. But I like the character if only for his purity - he is absolutely not a hypocrite. The world he envisions isn't my slice of pie, but I can respect his character. This is also why I find the Trump comparisons to ring false.

Disagree, good shit is just about to begin next episode