Bob Clark

No Johnny Guitar? You vultures.

Um… That's really stretching the meaning of the words "vague", "resemblance" and "to".

Avid Fan

This is literally what I watch movies and television for and I'm constantly getting indulgent screenwriter dialogue porn instead.

It's not really the X Men being involved in religion. Stryker's Crusade is basically an anti-mutant hate group that's introduced in the first pages murdering a couple of mutant kids in cold blood and displaying their bodies. Pure lynching. The only thing they really keep in X2 is the name Stryker, the root of his

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a mouse icon clicking on the downvote arrow, forever.

I really want to see Fox start doing lower scale, but more highly politicized X Men movies. Now is the perfect time for a "God Loves, Man Kills" that doesn't take the Evangelical threat and downplay it into mere military paranoia. A Westboro Baptist group targeting Mutants is ripe for this climate.

By the way, Phil Alden Robinson is a creator on this show. Please tell me he's going to be a big presence creatively and not just gone from this ep.

The Trump opening was definitely there on network. But I rather like it without all the explodey stuff.

Um, when was this exploding title sequence on the network version? Did I miss it?

There can be conspiracy. Just not this type. The Major is a pretty staunch police state advocate, but the Laughing Man should help her question her complicity in a corporate bureaucracy, not make her a victim of it.

Yes. Why hasn't 24 had a full on season with neo Nazis as the bad guys already?

Reminder— the inciting incident of Day One was Jack leading a mission under the approval of then Senator Palmer to kill Victor Drazen, a Serbian nationalist committing ethnic cleansing under Milosovec. That's not Chechnya, obviously, but forgive me the assumption— the girl in this ep was a refugee of ethnic cleansing

My counter argument to that is "Jack Bauer shooting Russians and torturing a corrupt President". Yeah he's done it before but that's what he's there for.

I agree, that blackmail story was stupid as hell. It's not how you really get the most mileage out of your monolithic paragon of virtue on the show. Ultimately, they never really committed to what would've been the most interesting story on the show, despite teasing it a teeny bit when S3 started— putting Palmer and

One other thing the show lacks now, and has ever since the early seasons, is the absolute moral compass that was David Palmer. My God I miss Haysbert's presence on the show. He was absolutely as important as Bauer in the early seasons, such to the point that I could've easily imagined a season with Palmer, and not

Actually when we last left him he was being handed off to the Russians. I wonder if we'll ever see that endgamed, given how cozy Fox is with Trump…

Maybe the gunpoint thing is the issue. The nice guy probably needs to be forced to do it. Jack would probably walk into the room, see the choice he has to make (somehow) and just go "Damnit! Chloe, they put the detonator in Tony's head! I'm going to have to cut his skull open now!" "But Jack, we've got a clean room

The review is right in that the biggest X factor he's missing right now is Kiefer Crazy. Even in the first episode, Bauer tranq-shoots one boss and cuts off his other boss's thumb. The dude is always out there on a limb doing frankly insane things, so out of left-field from an audience perspective that the surprise

I get the feeling whoever wrote about Heaven's Gate here didn't actually see it…