Bob Clark

This is why I only mention ROTS and not TPM and AOTC. Those films, from before 9/11 production wise, are still ripe with a lot of great political commentary, but only ROTS really gets into what I feel is the meat of politics at that time. And I do think that, being written and shot all after 9/11, it can't avoid being

Hm. I would've included ROTS and maybe MGS 2 and 3 myself.


I'd get mad about Space Jam "perverting" the integrity of the Looney Tunes, but let's face it. That train already left the station after their umpteenth blackface/minstrel cartoon back in the day.

We've seen the Emperor via hologram. And I could see them justifying the crew tagging along with Bail, Leia or Mon Mothma for an undercover mission. Not hard to justify.

I'm hoping Filoni is building up to a Coruscant arc involving the Senate. It's still there, btw, until the Emperor dissolves it in ANH. Maybe Rebels will end with him doing so onscreen if it's allowed to catch up that much to ANH.

No thoughts on that "The 13th" post-it?

I feel like I hate this movie for all the same reasons everyone else loves it, and I've never had less faith and more utter confusion in my fellow film lover as a result. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.


I honestly don't see this as an A- ep. Largely just table setting with a lot of Nightsister callbacks. I'd have rather seen more of Bendu and the mystical stuff.

Does it support the single gunman theory? Because if it does, thanks but fuck you. I stay away from anything that props up that nonsense. Even "Assassins" and that's fucking Sondheim.

I more or less hate Firefly, but Book was a good character, and Glass was 120 percent of that.

Astral, not astro.

Schizopolis is basically the type of movie Random Roles is made for. I'd rather read about that than the Ocean's movies, fun as they are.

Suffering for your views and actions is different from being punished for them. Punishment is what we usually assume when talking about Hell, rather than it bend a spiritual condition caused b your own actions and treatment of others. The point isn't that if you selfishly injure others you DESERVE to suffer, but that

I really want this show to survive long enough to become some sort of horrifying dystopian procedural, the same way Person of Interest soldiered through an awkward, unfocused first season to become a first rate cyberpunk thriller. My biggest question is, what ledes could be buried here?

Even in a piece about the grief of losing his wife, that fucking Lucas/Prequel bit has to come up. Granted, thats the NYT mentioning it and not Oswalt, but I have to admit that routine poisoned him for me years ago.

Yeah, most of the ones that come to mind. There's locations that a lot of arcs use, like the Jedi Temple or the Senate, but lots and lots are arc specific ones, or even episode specific ones. I'm thinking the Citadel episodes or that arc where Obi Wan goes all Face Off and has that one ep where he and a bunch of

Actually most of the multi episode arcs had wildly different settings from ep to ep. Or a lot of them anyway. The Malaveolence arc had an escape pod bottle episode, Y Wing journey through a nebula, and exploring the huge interior of the Malevolence ship itself. Rebels on the other hand seems to keep going to the

Actually this isn't really sort of the thing you can disagree on. Lucas said TCW was canon, so it is. If you're like me and you're not really a fan of the Disney era you can choose to ignore the stuff he didn't do himself, but Rebels is probably the truest to what Lucas intended among everything they're doing. At the