Bob Clark

I would really love if we had episodes where characters speculate on the nature of the truth behind the Clone Wars/Prequel Trilogy like conspiracy theories. It would be a good way for Imperial and Rebel POV's to be dramatized, get people to question themselves and what they're really doing. There's plenty of

TCW was G Canon back before Disney took over. As in— Lucas himself had a hand in the plotting, direction etc, so it was on equal standing to the movies.

Mostly I think that the weaknesses in this episode are part and parcel of the show's major problem, which is not having enough of a budget or studio interest in doing multi-episode arcs except for beginnings and ends. Spread this basic concept over three episodes, and you have enough time to flesh out both sides,

Oh for God's sake, just let me hate clowns.

Seriously. Tom Baker as a colossal, Ghost-of-Christmas-Present-jovial Force user was the best addition to Star Wars since the sale to Disney.

Odd, I would've thought Cumberbatch was more the guy to play Tesla.

And here I was thinking this was going to end with all the characters of the show, alive and dead, standing around Elliot saying "congratulations!".
Well, that's probably being saved for the show's endgame.

Yup. I went in hoping to see some light 80s riffing and car chases. Instead I got heavy to the point of choking on it 80s riffing, and staring contests punctuated by horrifically bloody murder scenes and one really crappy driving scene. Oh, and a fucking stupid looking jacket.

Was there no mention of Night Vale or did I just miss it?

My god, it's like an Art of Noise song come to life. I love it.

That train scene. Evangelion, yes?

I don't necessarily object to them in general, or what they represent. They're just both sort of extreme extroverts in ways that I generally find obnoxious and insufferable. It's especially weird in the case of Sardonyx, who is composed of the two biggest introverts of the show (something I've always liked about Pearl

Hm. You know, I just don't like Sardonyx or Smoky.

I'm surprised there's no mention here of Mandy Patinkin, who lasted all of 2 years on the show before he got fed up and left.

I've never understood this idea that in the Original Trilogy EVERYBODY knew about, believed in the force and had potential to use it. If that was true, why did Obi Wan only ever teach Luke anything? Why weren't there DIY Jedi everywhere? Why did bozos like Han or that dude Vader choked make fun of the force? It's

If only Belzer was still on the show…

Am I a bad person for hoping Dustin is The One Who Dies?

But my friend's in the middle of the road, bleedin' to death!

Kate McKinnon for the 13th Doctor.

Do Court of Owls. Damon as Lincoln March.