Bob Clark

I can't help but think that Laloux is being short changed here. Between this, Time Masters and Gandahar, he really has a singular output in animation. Yeah, his visual style shifts from film to film based on who he's collaborating with (Time Masters is notable for being done with Moebius). What you get from looking at

Late to the party, but maybe CBS would pick up a POI spinoff if they owned it, rather than WB.

Ehhhh, I've never been a fan of the Batman show. It has basically zero serialized elements. And for every great revisionist take on a classic character like Mr. Freeze, you have a whole lot of original episodes that just feel like wastes of time (that one about the looks-like-a-little-girl-actress-who-goes-insane just

Well, that was the best superhero movie of the summer. Suck it, Civil War.

Hm. So, everything they greenlit in favor of Person of Interest failed. Great. Can we have our cyberpunk procedural back another year then?

Been watching it again on hulu. The Dini/Timm Batman looks better, but the 90's X-Men is better written, performed, scored… Yeah. Better show.

M-O-O-N. That spells Hodor, apparently.

Oh, it isnt. I just think the similarities are stronger between McGoohan's shoe than anything Whedon ever did.

You're a nerd who needs to move on, and by move on I mean move backwards. If anything, this episode us just one giant white balloon shy of being straight out of The Prisoner territory. The island, the mind games, the illusion of escape, the determination not to give up "information", by hook or by crook.

I am so glad I only got into this show a couple of months ago, because now it'll only be a relatively short while before I can see the second season.

Hm, I was hoping that the 90s would mean Genosha would be an appropriate setting.

Actually Ian McKellan wouldn't be bad for Old Gus the Theater Cat

Great. So, a show by people who worked on the show, but not any of the writers or directors or even lead animators. Not sure how much that really says…

I shake my head in sympathetic but exasperated disapproval of just how universally beloved this piece of shit show is.

I want to see a whole feature film about Harriet Tubman done exactly like this.

I fucking hated this show.

No mention of In Treatment?

Having seen "Cemetary", I have to admit, it bored the ever loving shit out of me.

Well, there go all the fucks I had to give about this.

I know, but I'm saying that's also one of the things I figured out. But again, that's because the trick is essentially the same as the Canadian animated short "To Be".