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    Did anyone else tune in early enough to catch "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" airing before The Magicians? That was a bit too on-the-nose. I hope they do "Prince Caspian" next week.

    Despite that interview where Grossman said the world would implode if CS Lewis and Christopher Plover existed in the same timeline, my fanon was that the Order built the Neitherlands on top of the Wood Between the Worlds from The Magician's Nephew. Despite my general dislike of this show, I didn't mind the

    Book Easter egg, it's in "The Magician's Land."

    B. If they were interested in making the chat room or the FTB-ness of this group a thing, the intelligent thing to do would be to have Richard mention it by name last episode.

    Bah. The book had two thematic levels: (1) subverting mainstays of the fantasy genre, and (2) "Quentin's life is amazing, but he makes a hell of heaven because he just has a shitty mindset." The writers scrapped the second one (Quentin has clinical depression instead of just being a grade-A misandrist who's unable to

    Everything is disjointed. There is literally nothing tying any of these episodes together. This whole series is just random scenes from Harry Potter (and now Supernatural) with added sex and alcohol.

    "He's so much better than the Penny of the book."

    He's a Christian magician (Quentin points this out as quite odd) and he makes the same "god's tools" speech in the books, although in the books it's in the context of Quentin and Eliot picking a fight with him over how stupid the idea is.