
I thought she injected herself w Novocain first? The needle looked the same as when Sarah went to the dental clinic.

Good point. They were supposed to take her stuff out of the apartment, but never did. Hmm…

I'm convinced that when Scott told Kendall he was taking her blood one last time, it's because he had taken and saved a fail safe sample earlier. I have to believe.

You can't predict what injuries a body will sustain when you walk into a moving train. She would have needed those injuries before she jumped, and she definitely didn't have them.

She wasn't shown in BrightBorn. In the second episode, we see her don a blond wig. When she comes home, MK is there and sees blood on Beth's hands. Beth goes in the bathroom to wash her hands and cuts up a BrightBorn pass key and flushes it down the toilet. She gives a gun to MK and leaves. It's the night she killed

It seems to come from the author's disapproval of the Susan/Ira reveal. It's just an opinion, nothing more.

I'm totally pissed at Felix for bringing Adele to the safe house. He's not just sticking it to Sarah, he's potentially endangering all of Clone Club. I'll be mad at him for a long time.

MK has facial scars that identified her to Ferdinand. It would be hella difficult for Beth to accurately take MK's place.

Beth has been to BrightBorn, but the sestras don't know, which is why they assumed it was safe to go. Unfortunately, the last time a "perceptive" clone went to BrightBorn, she apparently killed someone and then herself (Beth).

I assume (HOPE) Kira trusting Adele like she did Helena is the show's way of telegraphing that Adele is legit.

They did meet. I remember it vividly. BBCAmerica must have posted it online after the season two finale, bc it's a deleted scene from season two, episode ten. I guess it's available on the DVDs of season 2.

They have met.

I thought it was Shay at first, but Scott makes so much sense. Dr. Leekie approved his application to Dyad. maybe bc he knew Scott was a neolutionist.

Yes, Helena is left-handed. It's part of being a mirror twin. Until now she was the only lefty clone.

Thank you.

Why is Rachel suddenly left-handed? Based on the over-the-shoulder shot, it's gotta be deliberate. She has always been right-handed before.

AND he knows The Articles of Confederation were written on pub napkins even though he died before they were written.

Squire Boone was real, and really Daniel's brother.

An Untamed State by Roxane Gay.

Rachel told Paul that even though he's her monitor, he's to keep personal stuff from Leekie. So, Daniel was on the outs as her monitor, but didn't know it yet? Rachel requested Paul as her monitor bc she wanted a new boy toy? Questions, questions.