Mike White

This story escaped its time loop.

Video not found.

I'm glad you guys are branching out and not just covering the same few shows week to week.


Hey, no problem. I totally own that it could sound better! Always trying to improve things on my end and I appreciate the feedback!

Yeah, it'd be nice if I had a studio in Detroit and satellite offices in L.A. and N.Y. where I could get people in front of a proper microphone.

Just be careful. Friend of mine was tweeting at Trump and got a call yesterday at his place of employment from the secret service. My friend is now no longer employed.

Thanks so much for the kind words about The Projection Booth. Much appreciated!

I put together the entire playlist of what K-Billy plays (is heard and is back-announced). You can get that here: http://projection-booth.blo…

Thanks for the kind words about The Projection Booth!

Thanks for the kind words about The Projection Booth!

Funny, I had the opposite reaction — I was afraid it'd be just a "kid and his robot" story and was glad when Melies showed up.

The world will ask, "Why do we still care about Tupac?"
And I will whisper, "We don't…" and walk away.

And this is why I try not to watch trailers.

Thank you so much for the kind words about The Projection Booth!

Thanks a ton for the shout out to The Projection Booth!