Jay B.

Brando was actually hilarious in The Freshman, riffing on his own Don Corleone, but relying on timing and slyness — in other words, comedic acting. Pacino was funny as hell in Dog Day Afternoon as well.

Also wrong — Wrong'em Boyo and Revolution Rock are great songs. The former is really, really great.

Jesus man, "original hardcore" was about screaming over some vaguely punk chords, so I'm not sure what distinction you are trying to make here. Fucked Up are the best rock band of the last 20 years. If you don't like them, it's because you have awful taste in music.

Naked Lunch? I can tell you two things it's NOT about.

I agree with Snidely. The hut was torment, but it was also emblematic of the heroic sense of duty and dogged steadfastness the British showed. He would not be broken. But that sense of duty was cruelly double-edged, as Lean then proceeds to show. That strength and innate sense of superiority was actually used against

Paris is a shithole? The things you read…It's a big city, yes, and the parts that aren't "touristy" are places where most people, including Parisians, wouldn't choose to go, just like anywhere else people wouldn't choose to go. Almost none of them are in the city itself, but the whole premise is astoundingly stupid.

It's on Spotify. A whole acoustic record, in fact.