
I wish HBO could just develop a series that's like…. TV-14, for once. Not everything needs to be all violence an nudity all the time. Especially something like Star Trek, that has typically been smart family viewing.

If Person of Interest wasn't on Netflix, I could consider it a possibility.

The Ancillary Justice trilogy has a character that doesn't understand gender, AIs that command legions of brainwashed invincible stormtrooper soldiers, and only three alien species, which range from pleasant traders, to beings that murder at will because they don't think humans matter.

I've often wondered if I was doing something wrong, only having a little over a hundred friends, but time has taught me that I was right not to friend every random person I came across. And not to friend a lot of my own family :)

If I were quoting Twitter, it would be "We can't make money"

"You have to understand, we simply can't make money if we hire enough people to actually enforce our terms of service."

I'm sure both Facebook and Twitter are going to be big losers from this election cycle. I sure plenty of people from both sides are looking at their feeds and realizing not only that they don't care for some of their friends and family anymore, because Facebook and Twitter encourage them to speak without filter or

Aw. Well, at least I know that my DVR could be worse.

It does have a jump back option, but you can turn that off if you dig in the settings. I kinda like it, just because I always fast forward to far.

Not everyone is always going out for a pre dinner gyro like my brother in law too.

Isn't it more like… Networks sell ads, and sell their programming to cable companies, who charge us money?

Ours should theoretically do the same (and you can program buffer in there). The issue is that the networks themselves fiddle with the 'new' tags and misreport their start and stop times. I think I heard that it's something they could easily fix, but don't.

I just ask for your naked broads to have consistent technology.

Ah Japan. I never really understood why the Major needed to take off all her clothes and yet had cloaking hair? Couldn't you just make her clothes out of the stuff the hair is made out of?

Maybe spring for the season on Amazon? I've heard that certain networks and shows are just not anywhere.

For a while, my brother in law loved his Blockbuster mail service, because he could get a movie he wanted, and then take it to the store and get another movie by browsing.

Not just that, but how terribly manipulative the Networks are to the DVR customers. They mark *all* their shows as new so you tape a ton of things (Cartoon Network!), they put no buffer between shows so the DVR misses the beginning or end (ABC!), or put tiny bits of their show between commercials (IFC!).

If we ever went to Ala Cart service, or just different cable options, I think about half of all the cable networks would die off.

And also ESPN/Disney bundling their channels to force all us non sports watcher to pay for ESPN: The Ocho only worked if people couldn't get what they wanted elsewhere.

Quiet Gary Johnson.