
Who would have thought decades of price hikes, terrible customer service, and a complete inability to improve our services beyond the bare bones would have an effect on our bottom line!

I remember seeing Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind in English on Nickelodeon once.

Yeah…. and really, what is he going to do, anyways? If there is no cure, or any way to keep the living from turning when they die, it's just a slow march to extinction. You either go back to the beginning and focus on other people, or just watch the last few humans left kill themselves or be eaten.

The problem with sea monsters is that you can just not go into the water. Perhaps Amphibians are the way to go? Terror of the Salamander, or the Furious Frogs.

Also, it's an argument for how making something open source can dramatically increase it's cultural impact. If it hadn't been for the legal accident that let it be basically free, it might have just vanished.

Heh, Romero's later work hasn't exactly set the record straight. Land of the Dead was more an old man's fantasy ending to all the loud people at the mall than a movie that made any lick of sense.

It's to the credit of Mad Men that they manage to kick Vincent's character in the teeth so much that I actually was able to feel sad for him.

The kids in Stranger Things were the core of the show. I remember 4400
had a child prophet, and she was one of the highlights. Hell, 11 was in
a terrible BBCA show and managed to be the best actor and character in
it, by far.

I dunno, I don't recall any situation where a zombie was trying to secretly buy a water plant from a corporation in TWD.

But that encourages the subset of people that take that license to ridicule and indifference to outright abuse, since the main stay of people aren't exactly motivate to stand up for self described witches.

The funny thing is that guy had been cursed more than once. He said it failed because he had no soul.

It's hard, I think, because it's natural to be curious of people with a potentially different cultural background and want to know more. But you can't judge that on appearances, and even if you could, not everyone wants to serve as a cultural ambassador.

I think the times when it really tethers the alien to your butt are the real stand outs, and I wish that it had more of them in the end of the game. I don't think any game has managed to fit as much tension into something as simple as saving your game either… turning that key and waiting for it to click down was

I much prefer the mechanism for hiding in A:I over A:TDD, just because it feels more realistic to me. It's weird that a monster should walk by someone just crouching in a corner avoiding their gaze.

I really need to play that with some mods… I fired up the original version on Steam and found it unplayable. The game feels the need to bob your camera like each step you take causes your vision to drop a few inches. It's not realism if that's not how *actual walking* works!

I also liked that in Coven, Witchcraft was just magic, not some sort of pact with demons. Oddly, the witches in Supernatural usually go their magic from that route, and it never bothered me, just because it was clear that they were either pretty boss, or they were as much the victims as the people they used their

I loved how the bartender was clearly committed to his theme cocktails too. That's the sort of fancy party stuffiness that you just have to imagine is based in the real experience of someone on the writing staff.

The closest experience I have had to that is my interactions with Indian people in America, who always seem to have their own idiosyncratic experiences with Hinduism (a lot of them are really non-religious or culturally practicing), and still find themselves dealing with white people trying to ask them about caste and

I think you have to approach fringe religions like Wicca with a different tac, certainly. Most Wiccan/Pagan practitioners approach it as a private, personal spirituality that they've largely invented by themselves, and thus is largely inoffensive to me, and they are usually the recipients of a lot of prejudice from

I'm not a huge fan of witches being primary antagonists. When a main character defeats a witch, it's hard to divorce that from the real life version, where the main character would be murdering an innocent old woman for some nonsense reason.