
Kingsman's trailer made it look like a PG-13 YA spy movie, not an R-rated graphic novel inspired violence fest that killed our first black president as a joke. Still pretty entertaining, but I bet some people were quite surprised around the time someone got cut in half.

It's definitely a movie that works better when your expectations have been managed. I thought there would be very little monster action because of all the "ONLY 11 MINUTES OF GODZILLA WTF" posts, but the Mutos were trashing quite a few cities on their own, so it wasn't boring.

I think it all depends on what your kids are scared of. I remember Megamind implied that the main character had reduced the hero to a skeleton, but that didn't bother my nephews half as much as the witch in Brave.

Even the title is a bit of a bait and switch. He drives what, like 3 times in the whole movie?

When I was in college, there were dudes that would all watch porn together for some strange reason. I really don't understand the appeal.

And minus the nicely wrapped up plot from the first one. And the core cast. And with a creepy racist.

Aw man, Wheeljack. So much death.

It's not every minion that will wait patiently that long before taking power for himself.

"Such heroic nonsense"

I will never forget the moment when I realized that the guns in Transformers finally, finally worked. It was quite shocking. Also, smart move on Megatron's part to kill the ambulance bots first.

It's hard to say out of nostalgia blinders… the movie really goes all in. The Autobots have a city that sprouts laser guns and armor from every space. The guns work, and the robots die. A planet sized robot transforms into a humanoid robot and slams a continent sized palm into another planet. As played by Orson

They threw in a 'shit' in there just to get it rated PG, I think.

Don't worry, he's just in a coma kids!

Words are cheaper?

I feel like he already played Shkreli when he did the Hobgoblin in the Spiderman movies.

Ah, so Hitch 2 is finally getting made then?

If you're ever more curious, Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman really tears into Gospel authorship in a very interesting way, and provides an apt way to disillusion Christians that don't get that explained to them in church.

It's pretty amazing. Especially since it's not the normal way these things happen… normally you cover these things after the internet spreads it around a lot, rather than present it to the world as a new thing.

Practically, what really happened was that there were two branches of early Christians, the Jewish-Christians converts lead by John and Peter that kept the old laws, and the Gentile Christian converts lead by Paul who didn't. Paul came up with a variety of justifications to appeal to Gentile converts, and that's the