
For a group that worships the 50s as the Golden Age, it only makes sense that they'd put its values into practice.

"But we're not apologizing for calling Obama a Kenyan Muslim."

What I'd really love is that she'd go to hell for wearing mixed fabric or eating shellfish.

And lets not forget that Hulk Hogan got $140 million for a leaked sex tape.

Huh. I guess it's only 5 years old. I don't know what it's problem is then.

I'm also nowhere near caught up on all the various games I have to play on my Steam list, so there's no reason to buy brand new when I still have Wolfenstein sitting there waiting for me.

I bought Fallout 4 new, but that was an unusual exception. The only thing worth considering is that sometimes you can let a game go too long…. I bought Bastion in the last big sale and it boots up to a black screen on both my computer and my girlfriend's laptop. A lot of those older games need to be modded to the

Ultimately, you just need to learn to not buy games right at release, and let the hype cool off a bit. Especially for single player games where it literally doesn't matter when you start playing it.

He became the dreaded Five Questioner for the US government during the war.

How Christian did the new Ben Hur end up being? I remember watching the original's wicked cool chariot race when it came on TV, and the immediately changing the channel when it turned into a Sunday School lesson about how you should seek forgiveness.

It's funny how this style of mostly dialogue free, individually focused episode is usually my favorite to see in TWD, and here it just didn't click as well, because I'm not as attached to anyone here.

I think people conflate the common defense strategy for an actual occurrence.

You probably shouldn't, from a legal standpoint, go talking about a potential court case online. But I do think it is perfectly good practices for an organization like UCB to eject someone so accused. They're a private organization, so the burden of proof is necessarily much lower.

The premise for the Suicide Squad in the Justice League cartoons was super reasonable. When you want to do a mission against superheros, you don't send government people, you send supervillains, so when they get caught or killed, well, that's just what supervillains do.

It would make sense if they had super powers that the regular soldiers just don't have.

It was a great show, even if they basically got heat stroke by the end of it. To quote Jemaine 'The heat has changed us'

It always bugged me too… it's like they want to cloak themselves in the flag and American so that people don't realize how much money we spend on a game that really doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah… I think we're finally seeing the effects of a campaign being run by Twitter. It seems to have worked well in the primaries, but you need to be able to listen to people if you're going to run a campaign, and it seems like Trump just has flunkies.

Guess we talk to different folks then.

Maybe, but I also think some of it has to do with the fact that his campaign is run by 3rd stringers, if it's being run at all. Trump doesn't have the cream of the crop behind him at all. That's kind of unprecedented.