
Passion projects are tough to judge someone by, because sometimes you overthink things. That said, when your passion project is mostly rape fantasies? Maybe don't give that guy a comic franchise.

Really? Jesus Christ, you could get a quarter the way to Mars with that. I guess you have all the fighter jets and aliens too.

That's basically it. Anakin was supposed to turn evil for the sake of true love. But it was never believable that he was good, in love, or evil.

I guess this is why you read Batman and Superman first, and then make The Watchman as a reaction to all that excessively great heroism, rather than the reverse, and try and shove Rorschach values where it doesn't belong.

I'm not sure our culture would be well served by the sort of movies Alan Moore would want to make either though.

I'm still amazed all the Harry Potter actors came out as good as they did… it makes Dune and these other movies look bad. I mean, if Potter can cast 11 year olds that fit the part that perfectly, why can't they get an 18 year old?

Did anyone else think he deliberately whiffed shooting the Joker? I thought that he had him dead in his sights, and just tore up his float instead.

I think there are some Japanese style drawings of Darth Vader out there to get that opposite version.

No, but he hunted down and killed enemy badasses.

The Samurai were pretty bad people at times too. There was a guy in the Korean movie Admiral that basically had a fluffy Darth Vader helmet, and acted accordingly.

It didn't help that it wasn't really an established place. But I for one, was very happy that Imperial Senate scenes in the new movies are basically an expanding cloud of dust.

Yeah.. Justice League Lantern mostly just stuck to shields and beams, and it was so much easier to buy.

It certainly looks interesting, but I worry that the movie will try to do too much with too big of a cast. But maybe not… Ocean's 11 knew to concentrate on 3 or 4 people, and let the rest just be fun fluff.

Thank god Iron Giant didn't see Batman V Superman or Man of Steel. We'd all be dead.

Samurai helmet.

That Rebel base on Hoth probably had some independent civilian contractors working there.

DCAU's Lantern was really cool, but his power basically requires $150 million to look even remotely viable in live action.

Neverwhere was always my least favorite of his books. Gaiman's characters tend towards the unpleasant a lot of times, but I found that book to be the perfect storm of dickishness.

Tom Holland just put out Dynasty, an narrative history about the Julio-Claudians, which might be a nice companion.

So the 'v' means…. scissors?