I don't think he *could*. If it's in Antarctica, there's international treaties saying that no one can lay claim to it.
I don't think he *could*. If it's in Antarctica, there's international treaties saying that no one can lay claim to it.
Superman really missed out on having a movie about Debeers hiring a bunch of South African supervillains to keep their diamond monopoly.
Though you have to expect that actually landing one of those jobs is the hard part. There can't be that many full on butlers around anymore.
That's definitely true too…. though I do wonder about putting kids as young as Jack into such competitive sports is a great idea, because it seems like a lot of them require a specific body type, and if Jack isn't tall, he's just not going to be very successful. It would suck to throw a kid full on into a travel…
Jake is just the worst. He gave that whole speech to Olivia about being really into his fiance, and here's the thing… Olivia didn't need to remember the whole deal with the phone to know it was bullshit. It was bullshit because he wouldn't be showing up at Olivia's place to hate fuck her if he had a good…
This week on the Adventures of Huck, Billionaire
Richard Dawkins must have just gotten a headache and didn't know why.
Phil has been in the less good new Muppets movie.
I feel like if he was less blinded by his rivalry with Malfoy, he could have flipped him to the good guys. That poor blonde bastard was clearly in over his head.
Yeah… the need to have the plot of the book stretch across a whole school year was quite fun for the first few books, but after a while it just ended up into a big orgy of magical neologism in the last third or quarter of the book.
What sort of sound track should you go with for Lobo…. I think this could really work if they went with a real 80s Metal vibe. And maybe Ron Perlman's voice.
Totally. Just the base plot of Warcraft is the invasion of trans-dimensional orcs corrupted by ancient demons into another fantasy world with its own elves and monsters. Even if it had looked good, I just don't think you can make that into a plot that makes sense…. and it looks so, so bad.
I've only read the first book, but they definitely tone down the physical abuse of Dauntless a bit, and make everyone Teenage Girl sexier. They don't make the system seem any more sensible… if you discard half the population every year, people would really need to churn out kids to keep things going.
It was so matter of fact. Naomi Watts was like "Huh, did no one do this yet? Well, I may as well, since I'm already here."
I don't really remember what happened in Order of the Phoenix plot wise, other than Rowlings slaying my then favorite adult character, but I do remember the movie improved the book a huge degree. The book involved a goodly amount of Potter whinging about his fate and being rude to his friends.
I never did find out if they lasted one second in THE SCORCH.
I still think Blizzard would have been smarter to sell it as VOD on their own game selling service and give you a bunch of in game WoW pets and mounts if you watched it.
I got a real Community vibe from this episode. Every season Abed would shoot a documentary in a different style and an episode would be based around it, and I'm a sucker for this kind of thing both for changing the format and for the meta discussion of documentary tropes that happens within it.
Osiris did it first, and best, I think.
It was a nightmare scenario for the parent, and then a nightmare scenario for the child.