Matt Steele

All-Time Favorite Episodes. Four words. FOUR WASHINGTON LANE!

The description of Dunkin Donuts as being a real roll of the dice every time you go, and that being part of the excitement, couldn't have been more apt. I have a local chain near me, Heav'nly Donuts, that is much better and more consistent, but sometimes it's fun to roll the dice and get a potentially shitty cup of

Gino's first appearance all he kept talking about was how he was a huge talk radio and Opie and Anthony fan, and he nails that type of person to a T.

Gino's character is not Gabrus. People tend to equate the two but Gabrus knows that Gino is a buffoon who says insensitive shit all the time.

I've listened to a shitload of LPOTL episodes but I've never listened to a Creepypasta ep. What do they entail, exactly?

Arya is not emotionless. We saw her reacting with joy and legitimately smiling on account of the soldiers' kindness in episode 1, and in episode 2 she flashed a few smiles at Hot Pie, too. She was also holding back emotion when she saw Nymeria. She's hyper-focused on revenge, but she's still human.

And the wargs who hold high places
Must be the ones named Stark
To see all of reality
Closer to the heart (tree)
Closer to the heart (tree)

I found it rather fitting that Bran went from an eager young man willing to learn as much as he could to try and help the world, to literally learning EVERYTHING and is now beyond jaded and almost catatonic as a result of the knowledge-dump he received. He is almost incapable of emotion now because of all he has seen

I was glad we got to see Bronn by Jaime's side. After Tyrion said that line, I forgot where Bronn ended up before the show reminded me again.

You might be right actually. Good point

Ben flat-out told Jerry "I'm a married man," and Jerry said "Hasn't stopped you before." in the first episode. But he could very well be remarried to someone else.

Yes! Good call.

"A gun rack?"

Very likely.

I'm hoping for Harper & Rowan, or Gable & Shelton Benjamin

I think it's more that "According to Jim" is the easy go-to punchline for hack comics and radio DJs who want to make fun of shitty sitcoms, combined with the fact that Belushi has a bit of a reputation for being a demanding asshole to work with. But I think he is a talented actor.

Belushi has been killing it. I've always thought he was a decent actor, I've just heard he's a terrible person to work with and has picked awful roles. But he's been a delight in this. "You fuck us once, shame on us. You fuck us twice, shame on you. *pause* You're dead."

No, different guy

You're forgetting Ben. Richard Beymer looked to be in his 40s in the original Twin Peaks (he was in his 50s) and he could pass for a 65 year old now and he's 79.

I love how much her character Stacy gets shit on in Wayne's World even more now knowing how awful of a person she could be to work with.