Matt Steele

I'd say the least interesting part of Chavo's career was any singles matches he ever had as a wrestler, HEYOOOO. (I'm kidding, but Chavo is the epitome of a "good hand" who doesn't necessarily blow my socks off in the ring. Did tremendous work as a team with Eddie, particularly their Los Guerreros run in WWE.)

It's very well plotted and well paced, but Joker's plan requires a LOT of foresight and also a lot of coincidences in order to unfold the way it does in the film. Every time I watch that movie, I still love it, but his plan becomes more and more absurd.

It's on Fox, I believe, but yes, you're right.

I just saw the film yesterday and his character and his story is the best part by far. I didn't know he'd be in it and when I heard his voice I thought "This actor is doing a great Trey Parker impression," so I was pleasantly surprised when his name showed up in the opening credits.

Which entire plots and full scenes are you referring to? I'm trying to understand your point because I didn't get that impression at all.

Oh, so it should have taken more chances in the way it dealt with women and minorities? Or maybe they should've just made it about all white men instead?

Or, you know, we just like what we're seeing, and you don't.

This was my thinking. Cooper wasn't in black and white when he was with the eyeless woman and American Girl. So I'm guessing they were in a different "building" in that same purple plane of existence. I think the room where ?????/The Giant and the 1920s-looking woman was definitely the same room that Cooper and

Did you watch the right show? What are you talking about?

Slamtown populated with a lot of JoMo Sapiens who are gonna EAT YOUR LUNCH! (Worst or best wrestling t-shirt ever? Hard to tell)

Frogurt sucks, and you're a judgmental jerk-face.

Pandering to whom? Wrestling fans? Women? I'm genuinely curious.

Her character was horribly written on that show. She was supposed to be annoying at first, but I did enjoy her relationship with Facinelli's character, until it got really stupid at the end.

It's 10 episodes and they're 30 minutes each so it's kind of perfect.

Problem there is the only babyface tag teams left are Crews and Titus or Heath and Rhyno. Yikes.

Joe didn't really look that weak in the opening. He got most of the offense and then got knocked outside of the ring. Sure, playing Roman's music after that segment made it clear they wanted him to be seen as having the upper hand, but it was a pretty even scuffle.

No need. Braun's already a smark baby face and Roman's a smark heel. The dynamic is fine as is.

Bro, I swear to God…

At least we got Bayley running in and just beating the shit out of her opponents with her forearms. That made me get behind her once again. Just let us see her as a great wrestler like she was in NXT; that's all I ask.

The doppelgänger had a more yellow color to him, though. This one was colored more like the original arm.