Matt Steele

HOLY SHIT. This is crazy. Thank you for pointing this out!

I also watched this episode with the subtitles on, and there was a LOT of mentioning of "electrical crackling" as a sound effect throughout, more than any of the previous 5 episodes. This, plus the street lights, plus the power pole that we saw leading up to the power lines, shows a connection between the happenings

I actually liked it. They seemed like real people reacting to a tragedy, not trained actors.

WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens never fought Shinsuke Nakamura. Kevin Steen did.

Do you listen to CBB? He retired "It's been" and "it's been a while" a long time ago.

I didn't really enjoy how Shane came out dancing and doing his usual thing while interrupting a 5 woman brawl. Like, "I'm here on official Commissioner Business, but let me do a little dance and take in the audience's approval first!"

It was implied on the Sami & Seth Talk Music episode of Talk Is Jericho that Sami and Neville talk and agree a lot on international politics together. Seth kind of implied that he stays out of the discussion. I also am pretty sure Jericho is a Republican.

There would only be 17 because the first episode didn't end with a musical performance, it ended with Lillard weeping in jail.

The sight of the coffee mug definitely stirred up something within Cooper. I also loved how the "I AM DOUGIE'S COFFEE" was written in the FWWM font. To me, it also brought to mind Fight Club, with the "I AM JACK'S…[insert phrase here]" motif, although I'm sure that's unintentional.

Shelly mentioned she had a daughter at the end of episode 2, am I right? I wonder if Bobby and her had kids and got married and later divorced? Can't wait to find out.

Sonny Jim's joy at the tie over the head was delightful too

Sara drinks at home, though. We saw her surrounded by bloody Marys at her house and the teaser showed her shopping for more mixers at the store.

Good call, but I assumed the assassins were there due to Dougie's gambling debts, because his wife said "We can pay them back now!"

But he was lucid and normal in the room with the Giant. He spoke clearly and understood the message he was given. Was this not the lodge? Was that the future? I can't wait to find out.

That look on his face when he saw the coffee cup made me giddy with glee. His reaction was perfect!

The way he said "Laura Palmer?" killed me. So well done.

Bobby also conveniently had to take a piss right after Truman told him about the drugs coming into town. I felt like he was going to make a phone call to his possible drug connects to give them a heads up. But I could be wrong.

He looked fantastic in The Descendants, though!

They toured with KoRn and Orgy, and were also on the Family Values tour. If they didn't want to get lumped in, maybe Brandon shouldn't have fronted a rap-rock band while having dreadlocks and touring with KoRn.

Despite the terrible title, I think "Anna Molly" is the best Incubus song.