Matt Steele


We Watch Wrestling is my favorite. The Masked Man Show is also up there on my favorites.

That type of shit always baffles me. Wouldn't you, you know, just call the person and hash it out, instead of worrying about your "tone" on Twitter?

Scott fucking loves them, and I'm sure he still has quite a bit of say as far as the content and what goes on. I would be legitimately shocked if HH ever got fired for going "too far" unless they legitimately piss off advertisers to the point where they are costing the company money. They still have a lot of ads each

Dio's use of imagery used to make me cringe when I was a cynical high school student. Then I realized how well he'd paint a picture out of nonsensical phrases and words like "Ride the tiger/you can see his stripes but you know he's clean/oh don't you see what I mean?" and it just works. His voice, the music, no matter

"It's All Coming Back To Me Now" is also fucking great. I was like 13 when the Celine version came out, and even then hearing it for the first time I was 100% sure that Steinman had to have written that song. His style is so recognizable. I get why people hate it, but for big, bombastic, theatrical rock songs, he's


Meat Loaf never crosses my mind. But for some reason, this morning in the car, I thought of "Two Outta Three" out of nowhere and wondered a) what that song was about, and b) why that song came into my head and what triggered that thought. I have answers to neither of those questions. Then I got to work an hour later,

Sinbad getting such a kick out of every utterance of "Speak on that" was delightful

My dad was a hardcore Breaking Bad fan who also had terminal lung cancer during the last 4 seasons of the show's run. He joked that he was happy he lived long enough to see how it ended. He died about 9 months after the finale.

"You can either stop being a Royal Pain, or you can cooperate with us."

"If you won't talk to us, then this Monday Night is about to get very Raw, for you."

Bullshit. Gridlock'd was great.

Whiterose isn't necessarily a villain though

I'm pretty positive that Edward verbally attacked Elliot after he told his mom about Edward's cancer, and that's when Elliot's guilt caused a freak out and he tried to kill himself by jumping out the window.


*his best friend Kevin Owens

Erin McGathy was probably my favorite

I don't buy it. Nobody in WWE pays that close attention to podcasts, and that episode was a big joke fest anyway.

I agree. With the frequency and severity of injuries these days, they can't take chances and give Sasha 4 weeks off to recover from a potentially serious injury. They tried to wait out Bryan's injuries after Extreme Rules 2014, and they went almost a month before he had to vacate the championship. I think they're