Matt Steele

Charlotte has all the potential in the world to go down as the best Women's Wrestler of all-time. She's just on another level right now.

I don't think Fox was supposed to hit Jax with the tissue box during that segment, but both of their reactions were priceless, and the way they sold it has me interested in a feud/match between the two. It tied back to Alicia Fox's "unhinged" character from a few years back, where she was stealing JBL's hat and

Bo just got arrested for public intoxication and then he gets punished by squashing a jobber on TV. I'm not complaining, I love Bo.

He's around at least through January, I think. I thought he had signed on for a full time TV roster deal when he came back last January.

That was super over, though. It was a different time and people did not give a fuck about the racist implications of that sketch. This was just awful, awful comedic "writing" and it felt like New Day knew they were entering into a terrible segment when they came out.

I read Reddit and other dirt sheet sites and this is literally the first time I've ever heard anything about KA having heat. Where'd you hear that?

That's still my favorite scene in the movie. The brainstorming to get to "Whoop That Trick" is so great. "Beat that bitch? Stomp that ho?" Less funny when you hear of Terence Howard's real life domestic assault accusations, but still, very entertaining scene.

He's a fictional character, who, like most characters on this show, is kind of a piece of shit. Don't be offended by it.

I was already making that joke in my head when I heard Edgar's line and then this show is too good and nailed it right away.

Jimmy's a very peculiar dude so I bet he likes her to go au natural.

I know basically zero Spanish but that was great

He and Lindsay should be friends. They both "LOVE VIO-LENCE"

Her episode of Hollywood Handbook was one of my favorites ever.

She's getting paid and getting to be on TV. I think that's all she has ever really cared about.

Oh my god, I had the exact same vibe watching this scene as I did from that scene in Goodfellas. Angela was very smart to get the fuck out of there.

I gotta say, I thought the episode 2 weeks ago was one of the best because it gave me a lot of answers, but this episode just opened up a shitload of questions and it's probably my favorite episode of the season.

I'm thinking it's him at Darlene's door. I hope so, at least.

God damn, I got the chills when "Walking In My Shoes" started playing. That's been one of my favorite songs for a long time, but it fit PERFECTLY into that scene and into this show. I wish they had done an entire prison montage set to the full length version of the song, just because it was that well-done.


Exactly! It's so transparent. "Hey, well, um, our guy will definitely not die in office, most likely, so, um, vote for him! Not her! She's gonna CROAK!"