Matt Steele

Howard is equal parts silly and insane. Sometimes he'll rail against "make 'em ups" and then other times he'll love Mad Max. He's rarely logical in his beliefs, but they are almost always hilarious.

His take on making up ridiculous statements and getting people to believe them by saying, "Seriously, why would it benefit me to make that up?" was just priceless. I can't listen to his podcast because it's too long and meandering but I love when Todd is on other shows.

This is a great point. We still don't know why he had court ordered therapy in Season 1, or what traumatic incident could have happened between the time that Elliot and Darlene concocted the plan to hack Evil Corp (which we saw in flashback this season) until we met him in Season 1, that could have caused him to

I think it's because every twist and reveal was so well-done and so thoroughly written and executed last season, that we are still surprised when it happens. I have so much faith in this show not disappointing because of how amazing season 1 was, and I feel this season is just as good. I can understand why people were

A man does not have a name.

They're just trying to save him from the enemy: himself.

Yeah, I thought that at first too, that Elliot somehow squirmed his way out of there and killed those guys as Mr. Robot. I was much happier with it being Leon, and him also being Dark Army. Of course, once Leon stabbed the guy in the asshole, I realized "Oh shit, he's definitely been in prison this whole time."

Wale has already hosted Seinfeld marathons on TBS, maybe the two of them could pair up

Nigerian Princes are actually funding all of the Dark Army's actions

Plus, Gideon addressed them at multiple times as separate people even when they were all in the same room together, so that makes zero sense. Oh, maybe Gideon was Elliot too?! These theories are getting a little too out there…

That, and she keeps receiving mysterious packages and messages that are seemingly coming from Tyrell. I'm really fascinated to see who is sending her these things. Mr. Robot's explanation for what happened to Tyrell was my theory all along, but since we didn't "SEE" it happen, and since Elliot still has no

Why would Elliot imagine it? Ray didn't tell Elliot that he did that every day until after WE saw Ray doing it already. Anything WE see with Elliot not around is 100% real.

The non-Elliot scenes are more reliable than anything else, barring the one scene where Mr. Robot and Tyrell met in the limo. The Darlene reveal episode last season where we saw Darlene and Angela as friends for the first time was 100% true. How do we know this? Because they were revealed to be friends later.

So any time a new character gets introduced into a series we have to go with the Poochie comparisons? Really? The show isn't making us think "Where's Dom?" at every turn, that's ridiculous.

That happened last episode too, there was one line during the sitcom portion where Mr Robot said something different than what was on screen.

The hacking of his therapist's boyfriend would be considered a minor offense, I would think. The no-knock approach is usually relegated to more violent crimes or drug related offenses, no?

It's definitely this, because he called the cops on Elliot last season. My theory all along was that the knock Elliot heard on the door at the end of last season was the police coming to arrest him for that hacking.

Yes, this is exactly my interpretation of it.

How the fuck did Wiger not choose "For Whom the Bell Tolls" or "Hell's Bells" for Taco Bell?!

It was more of a stomach high