Matt Steele

It was actually the bass player, and then their drummer left after that too. Now Jay Weinberg (son of Max) is their drummer.

Absolutely. There's a HUGE gap between the flashback where Elliot and Darlene watch the movie and decide to take down Evil Corp and where we first met Elliot in Season 1. Something very traumatic had to have happened to cause him to forget making the plan with Darlene, starting F Society, forgetting Darlene

A toothpick is wood and simply pulling it back out could lodge splinters in your tongue/mouth. A needle wouldn't splinter, it'd just hurt really fucking badly.

I keep forgetting that this is like an alternate reality set in actual US times. This makes a lot more sense now.

They made Suits seem like Silk Stockings: Law Firm Edition, and now I really want to watch Suits.

"I do declare you are no longer fit to be President, Mr. President." - Frank Underwood, in my recollections of Season 2 of House of Cards (quote definitely not a real quote)

I loved the moment of Angela recognizing Cisco. I never even realized how oblivious Angela had been until that moment, and she played it perfectly.

This is my understanding of it. Edward throwing Elliot out the window never made as much sense to me as Elliot panicking and jumping out of guilt.

They are probably the two most ruthlessly capitalist organizations ever depicted on television (next to GE/NBC as depicted in 30 Rock).

Not knowing why Ray is so powerful makes him all the more menacing. I get the impression he was probably always a dealer with a good business mind, but one incredibly ruthless and powerful enough to become a criminal enterprise kingpin.

Him finishing the "It's Alderson for one…" catchphrase was so awkwardly funny.

The flashback to the Mr Robot store in season one was so touching. I love Slater when he's playing the real life Edward.

I found that surprisingly funny. I have zero recollection of that show even being a thing.

He was credited on the episode and the voice was definitely his, so I think it was him.

He's so charming in that movie that I convinced myself he totally banged Rihanna on the set. They had great chemistry in that scene!

"I told you not to look." FUCK. So menacing.

Oh, duh, I knew that! I watched the Jack & Sullivan vs. Nasty Boys and Sting vs. Vader matches literally last week. I forgot that was the Philly one. That crowd was hot!

I need to find that PPV. Was that 94?

Oh, no doubt a lot of people were happy. I just love how he's brazenly wearing an ECW shirt in the front row of a WCW PPV event and he's cheering the most dastardly heel turn in the history of the medium. It's wonderful.

You don't really think that they would make the chosen one against two foreign heels into a double-turn situation where he ends up the bad guy, do you? This is WWE we're talking about here.