Matt Steele

This was exactly my thinking. Plus, logic in a handicap match would be "I can pin Dana and keep my title" so she wouldn't have to beat Charlotte technically.

In kayfabe terms, Sasha feels like she is the best wrestler, so she can take on two wrestlers at the same time in a handicap match. A handicap match works as a 2 on 1 tag match, so Dana's "interference" would be less distracting since she would be up on the apron and actually in the match. That was what I got out of

He's very slow with his delivery of words, but it works perfectly for him, and it highlights how quick-witted and quick-tongued Enzo is. He's also a slower talker in real life if you listen to him on any podcasts or interviews outside of the ring.

Jericho shared a fan art drawing of Jericho and KO as Bert & Ernie cartoons, so I don't think he was too offended by it.

Well, I blame WWE here. Every rumor for months and months was "They are VERY high on Lana, they see her as the future of the Divas" then immediately it shifted to "Lana has a big head backstage, a LOT of heat on Lana" as if those two things aren't related. Then the engagement news is shared all over social media by

Yeah, Finn's mic work in that segment with Rollins last week was better than maybe any in-ring promo he'd done EVER in NXT. I was very surprised and very impressed.

Isn't that the point? To get people excited for it? If he just comes out looking like the demon after showing up as cool leather jacket guy, wouldn't that be a bit jarring for the casual fans who have no idea who he is?

I would say the problem with EVERY Seth Rollins promo is that it feels stretched. He always takes 20 minutes to say what could be said in 10. He's a heel, so it works, but the people out there clamoring for a babyface Rollins run better hope that he never cuts a babyface promo.

Someone compared them to the Brienne and Tormund of RAW these days, and I'd love that.

"…" - That guy's promo. A+ stuff!

The fucking smark in the ECW shirt in the front row who is cheering wildly after the leg drop and cheers everything Hogan says in the promo is my favorite part. He is the epitome of the internet wrestling fan, 20 years ahead of his time. I love it.

When did Bobby try to leave SNL? And he still does really funny things outside of SNL like Comedy Bang Bang and… Comedy Bang Bang the TV Show!

It's funny, on The Office, Darryl was always a cold, funny asshole who eventually became the lovable buddy with a heart of gold. On this show, Craig Robinson as Ray exudes a warmth that Darryl never had, which makes Ray even MORE frightening.

There have also been maybe 4 of those HH episodes like that ever, and 2 of them were a joke (like Scharpling's first appearance). RSS was clearly more like who Sean and Hayes are in their everyday lives, but their HH characters started to develop over the course of the show.

Jason Bourne would have done even better in the box office had they gotten the ol' CBB Bump

Mitch seemingly only has real venom for super famous people he'll never meet or work with, like JJ Abrams. I'm assuming this was a friendly dig.

If I had to hear "In 2016, Birthday is a flavor" one more time, I think I would have driven into traffic head-on.

In 2016, birthday is a flavor.

Before Rubicon, the only thing I could remember him from was that he had a very brief cameo as an FBI agent in Die Hard With A Vengeance. He and two other guys start to explain Hans' military background to McClane in a police van. "It was like the battle of the bulge: English-speaking troops…" "Yeah, I know, I saw the

Honestly, as a hangaround workplace drama, it was amazing. Every character at the facility was so engaging. When Will's boss showed up and helped Will out of a jam (which was also the scene that made me fall in love with Rocket From the Crypt, as he blasted "On A Rope" to prevent neighbors from hearing him using power