Matt Steele

Just thinking in my head, 1999 saw 11 world title changes, but how many different champions? Foley, Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Triple H, Big Show, Vince(?)? Was that it?

Right, because live audiences don't watch RAW every week? That's ridiculous.

Every time they break up a hot tag in one of their matches I mark out so hard. You don't see heel teams doing that often enough. I mean, sure, they break them up by distracting the ref or something, but Dash and Dawson always DIVE and tackle the guy going for the tag, like they're setting a block on a football field,

Yeah, Robinson was supposed to abide by the referee's golden rule of always going for the 3 count if there's no kick out, and when Robinson decided to not count 3 (probably because he knew that wasn't the scripted finish of the match), Jericho improvised (and seemed legitimately pissed off that Robinson didn't take

I got fucking goosebumps when Dean smiled as he took the bat out of the box. Holy shit. And Mick is still a hell of a talker when he's invested in the material. Just a tremendous segment overall.

It is great. At first I rolled my eyes at the idea that she needed Ric to be by her side, but she is so much better as a heel now, and people are even booing Ric because he and Charlotte are that dastardly together. Can't complain about that.

I was under the impression that Gable & Jordan would get the shot at the titles at Takeover. And I was also under the impression that they should WIN the titles at Takeover.

Formerly aka Eggs

Tom Scharpling would like to correct you - It's called Welcome to Night Shade, duh.

"They're gonna run a tub for me real quick"

I actually still love the Eminem and Ray Romano scene, but I agree with you.

My problem with Funny People wasn't its length, it was the story told in the third act. I just could not get invested in him breaking up a family to be with his "one true love" or whatever.

Me too. The 3rd person shooter vibe of walking through the cabins was great, and then walking around outside as a side-scroller was a cool dynamic at the time, I thought.

I think I rented that game. I also remember loving Battletanks N64 a lot.

Mortal Kombat III was great on Sega 32X. So much faster than the regular Genesis or SNES versions.

I don't think TMNT for NES is terrible. Too difficult? Yes, but it's a fun, challenging game.

I remember renting Friday the 13th, walking around aimlessly for an hour or 2 until Jason would inevitably pop out of nowhere and scare the shit out of me and kill my character, game over. But I, too, loved that game.

I hated the NES ones but Bart's Nightmare was a lot of fun. Ren & Stimpy You Eeediot was also gross and a lot of fun.

It's true. I remember paying like $75 or something outrageous for Super Street Fighter II on SNES.

I was so good at Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball. I loved that game a lot. Just being able to hit guys and having bombs on a basketball court was so cool to me when I was 8-9.