Matt Steele

You just reminded me that my parents bought Where's Waldo? for the NES one year just because I liked the books and was 7 at the time. That game was fucking terrible, but I played the shit out of it.

I loved the Jurassic Park game for Super Nintendo, and the Friday the 13th game for NES. I know they're both god-awful, but I really liked them a lot.

I was so young when that song was big, and to me, it just sounded like every other European alternative video that was played on MTV at the time. I was a dumb 9 or 10 year old, but I wasn't a fan because it didn't have loud guitars. Then last night actually listening to the instrumentation and the production of it, I

The preview for next week seems to feature him quite a bit more.

We zoom in and see cancer developing inside Kardashian's body the second the judge rules "No 'Juice' ever again"

Cooper would no doubt have had some incredibly racist reaction to that hairdo.

"Sir, are you on a substance?" I'd like to think he was just thinking to himself, "Am I on a substance? No, I'm just, like, Kato, man!"

I will always now think of Dominick Dunne and Bert Cooper being the same person. I realize Robert Morse is a legend who has been around long before Mad Men, but he is absolutely perfect for the role of Dunne on this show.

I like to think that his Conan O'Brien CELEBRITY SECRETS bit is exactly how he'd react in real life.

Who is actually that upset with Kato these days? It's not his fault he was thrust into the spotlight. Did he relish in it? Sure. If I was a good looking LA douche bag, I'm sure I would have relished in it too. But the fact that people would yell "Kato you piece of shit" at the guy years after the trial is just nuts to

I love the little side views we get at the public opinion, and also the TV executives. That's fascinating stuff to me.

And she was probably right. I don't think a better closing argument would have swayed that jury.

I honestly never knew the lyrics of the song, which is kind of why I loved it. At one point it sounds like "To me you're like a golden dictionary can't deny", which of course is not what he's singing because those lyrics make no sense, but in my head, that's exactly what he's singing.

Hearing that song again makes me really want to hear the rest of that album and get deeper into the Portishead catalog.

The radio host/black journalist making that comment was hilarious. Also, Morse as Dunne is great casting. Him trying to tell two strong black men that "This isn't a black thing" was so funny.

I took it more as "I'll rattle my zipper and you'll come unzip my pants while I take a piss, because that's all you're good for."

Travolta seems sketchy at times in real life, but slimy is not a word I would have used to describe him until this show. He is so good as the slimy Shapiro.

Oh definitely. On the spectrum of biggest assholes in the Big 4, Scott and Charlie aren't anywhere close to the top of the list, when one considers:

I believe it was just called VH-1 Supergroup.

You mean the SAVAGE ANIMAL era?!