Matt Steele

I'd say re-recording a bunch of Belladonna-era songs with Bush, saying "This was the way these songs were meant to be heard," and then ditching Bush less than a year later to do a reunion tour with Belladonna is ALSO a huge dick move.

Is that with Clive Dundee, the Andy Daly character who wrote all of U2's middle eight breaks? Like the "Your eyes make a circle" part of "I Will Follow"?

I was 21 with no kids when I watched that season of the show. I don't think having kids has anything to do with why people were so high on that season.

I did the same thing. Going from seeing Prezbo as a pretty good teacher by the end of Season 4 to the most incompetent police officer of all time, one who permanently disfigured a CHILD, was pretty hard to take.

My favorite part is that Dominick West clearly cannot say the word "Boogie" in an American accent.

I just missed Shane's paranoid speechifying rants that he would throw at Rick's face throughout Season 2. Their last scene together is great. And then Rick's own losing it speech in the following episode where he talks about killing Shane, god damn. I miss Shane, but he served his purpose for the show. I don't think

Owen's death shocked the hell out of me, but I think making it depressing for Margaret the character was exactly the whole point. He was her way out, and then he was dead, and THEN Nucky realized they had been going on behind his back. It was a terrific sequence. He was a great actor and a good character, but I think

You missed out on 3 great seasons of that show, then. Depressed Jack at the beginning of Season 2 is arguably the best Jack.

I was going to say, the guy is literally introduced in the books in a chapter where he's setting a family member on fire. I know he he ended up being perceived as more honorable and a kick ass soldier in the subsequent seasons, but he was still a power hungry, desperate asshole. He believed his destiny was the iron

The titular "Ice" and "Fire" are most likely still alive. Well, fire girl is, "ice" guy is a toss up, but there are still plenty of main characters to root for left in the saga.

The fact that the show actually had 2 great seasons with insane premises was impressive enough, I thought.

Jesse and Jane were blackmailing him and hijacked his stash, didn't they? She had made Jesse into an addict, in Walt's mind, and she was one less problem to deal with when she died.

Exactly. And to see his son sitting there crying, shades of Dexter's own origin story, it really would have bookended his story perfectly.

You did. I watched Season 5, and it was okay, but Season 6 was god-awful. I heard Season 7 got better, but never bothered checking it out.

I remember reading someone who likened Bunk's reaction to Jimmy's first "act" as a serial killer to the audience's reaction to David Simon's writing in season 5. Bunk going, "Aw, fuck, no!I don't want no part of this" was what the audience was saying about the serial killer arc, essentially.

Marlo's crew definitely developed into solid characters by the end of Season 5. When they first debuted, they were ruthless, cold, calculated killers, which was by design, to show how ruthless the drug trade had gotten since the Barksdales of the world started. The opening scene to Season 4 is one of the funniest

I started watching The Wire after Stringer Bell died. Hear me out here. The show had gotten very good reviews when Season 4 was starting out, and the first 2 episodes of Season 4 were on HBO On Demand, so I decided to check it out. It actually didn't require much backstory to get into Season 4, because the kids were

Season Six of 24 started with the deaths of President Palmer AND Michelle, right? And Tony kind of died but not really? I just remember being so fed up with how ridiculous that show got in Season 5 when it turned out the President was the bad guy all along, or whatever, but then Season 6 seemed desperate.

What season ended with the bus accident? I think that was a perfectly fitting and depressing finale of the show. I want to say that was season 4 or 5?

The Walking Dead is currently in syndication.