Matt Steele

This was so much better than mine. Well done.

Alice In Chains' "Love Song" from SAP should be on the list. It starts off as a bluesy rag time number with some spooky vocals, then it turns into piano-led grindcore with Sean Kinney yelling through a megaphone about Rae Dawn Chong and "kiss the fucking midget!" It's fantastic.

Nick Hexum was lying when he said "If you want more beats for your buck there's no luck", because if you just rewind the CD, BAM! Bonus music, hence MORE BEATS!

I saw Korn on the Summer Sanitarium tour, and they used to cover the intro of "Seasons in the Abyss" by Slayer as their intro to "My Gift to You" and it was fucking awesome. Korn were very good at writing those slow, devastating, gut-wrenching songs to end their albums. While I'd never call Jonathan Davis a great

It also wasn't on the versions of the CD that were distributed by Columbia House or BMG, I believe, because I'm pretty sure that's where I got my first copy of Nevermind, and it wasn't on there.

Isn't the intro/outro from Ten the same type of thing? It's hard to imagine the album starting off with that main riff from "Once" without that mellow jam leading into it. Really sets the tone for the whole album, and when it comes back around at the end, I love that!

It still sounds so weird to me, hearing Joey Belladonna singing a Refused song. But it is a good cover!

Who sang that song? I used to think it was just Weiland imitating a lounge singer, but somebody told me it's someone else entirely, which makes more sense.

I love it because those songs absolutely need to be listened to in that order. I can't listen to "Gardenia" and NOT want to hear the intro to "Asteroid" fading in as "Gardenia" fades out completely.

The drums on "Gave Up" sound so fucking good on headphones.

Every Best Of episode is great. I know that's obvious, but it's true!

Is this some dig at Pete Holmes? If so, I'm even more interested

Whenever the "real" Sean comes through on HH, he always seems so sad and self-deprecating, it's heartbreakingly hilarious.

I was cracking up like an idiot when that joke initially got passed over, but I'm glad they went back to explain it. Rust is the best.


"And is THAT racist to say, mm, yes, and isn't that not funny?"

To be fair, Maron's always pretty up front and/or obvious when he's only familiar with a few pieces of someone's work, and it's not surprising that those are the things he wants to talk about. I mean, he had Jacob Dylan on, and they spend 80% of the interview talking about growing up as Bob's son, and not much on

I loved when Improv4Humans shit all over him that one time, and whenever Hollywood Handbook busts on him, it's the best.

I still can't believe Neil Campbell gave Pizza Hut 1 fork. I get his logic behind that rating, but that was unprecedented. So much so that Paul Rust had to call him out for it in last week's episode, which was hilarious.

I also just discovered Doughboys, and Mike Mitchell is dead-on that the Spicy Chicken Sandwich is the best thing going in all of fast food.