Matt Steele

"Let me tell you, that guy was a real JOKER, if you know what I mean!"
Cut.. It… Out!!

Winston being able to hear that Nick was shaving over the phone was also hilarious. I know he heard the distinct shaving cream sound and it's not that hard to discern, but still, that made me laugh a lot.

She first outbid herself. "$10,000. $10,001." "It's not your turn to bid!"

"Kind eyes? No you don't, you've got snail eyes. Everybody knows that."

Right! AVClub should only give jobs to people whose opinions you agree with, apparently?

F. Lee Bailey is the Littlefinger of OJ's Small Council.

To the Fox News crowd, he's "one of the good guys" because a) he's a cop, and b) he's a racist white man. So, naturally, he's a Fox News analyst.

LOST used to always have fun with syncing up the credits. Even though they were primarily alphabetical, there are dozens of times where the actor being shown on screen is matched up with their name on the credits below.

"You know, I was never really a football fan. The team at Harvard wasn't very good, so I never really went to the games… at Harvard. But I think I'd be a hell of a General Manager."

The fact that Fuhrman tried to sue the city for turning him INTO a racist maniac based on the horrors of the job, or whatever, was the funniest and most absurd thing I've ever heard. When Shapiro mentioned that in a previous episode I could not believe it.

It almost makes Shapiro a sympathetic figure, that he couldn't look past the fact that he knew OJ did it. Almost.

So, reading about them for personal enjoyment is okay, but watching them on television is not?

That's why it's almost more inspiring, I thought. OJ was at the tail end of his career, but he still was putting forth gutsy performances on the field, and still scoring TDs. Watching OJ score a TD on the Bills was almost a foregone conclusion, but on the 49ers, he was fighting to prove he still had something left in

It's easy for people to judge how others grieve, when they've never been in the same situation. People started to view Fred Goldman as an annoying TV character, much like they viewed all of the players in this trial, and not as real people. Weirdly enough, a TV dramatization is making some people, myself included, a

Jordana Brewster is pretty hot. She's a little too thin to be as hot as Denise Brown, but still, both hot.

Shapiro is god damn HILARIOUS in this show. "So, who thinks O.J. did it? … Me, neither."

I forgot how much I loved Austin's deranged vocals until Lamb of God's "Terror and Hubris in the House of Frank Pollard" came on my iTunes shuffle the other day. Then I listened to In the Eyes of God again. Willpower is great too!

I saw Unearth in a warehouse in Lawrence right after they released their first EP. I remember thinking they were going to be around for a long time. I still like Unearth a lot.

They are wicked nice guys. I used to see Bachand and Donais at the Worcester Palladium for other bands' shows a lot. Always really cool to talk to. I saw them in a church basement at Merrimack College back in 1999 right after Fair had joined the band, before Of One Blood had even been recorded, and it was incredible.

Shadows Fall's The Art of Balance was also huge in opening up the doors of mainstream metal exposure. Their videos were all over Headbanger's Ball, and Shadows Fall was an unbelievable live band during that time. When Of One Blood came out, they got a lot of press as the new face of American metal, and then Art of