Matt Steele

And they also played on Today Is The Day's best album, In The Eyes Of God.

Blue is a perfectly cohesive album from start to finish, and "A Horse Called Golgotha" is one of the greatest rock/metal anthems of all time. Holy shit, that song will never not make me ridiculously excited whenever I hear it. And Red is also a collection of fantastic songs.

When Blue Record came out, Baroness were my new obsession and became one of my favorite bands. That album is perfect, top to bottom, and Red Album is not far behind it. I really wanted to like Yellow & Green. I still enjoy a lot of songs on those albums, but it just was not the direction I wanted from them.

I think In Flames obviously helped the spread of the Gothenburg sound, but I still think Slaughter of the Soul is what spawned a million hardcore kids to become metal core and helped begat the NWOAM movement. More bands ripped off the style of SOTS rather than any one particular In Flames sound. I honestly wish MORE

The first time I heard "Oblivion," I thought, "Brann should have been singing more all this time!" Now he sings all the time, and I love some of his songs the best. "Dry Bone Valley" being maybe my favorite Brann-fronted song.

That song was inspired by the Intervention episode where the meth head up in Washington state is on the hunt for this rare burl that grows on trees and is very valuable.

That Unholy Alliance tour was fucking awesome. Slayer, Lamb of God (right before Sacrament was about to come out), Mastodon (right before Blood Mountain was about to come out), Children of Bodom (whom I don't listen to much, but they put on a good show), and some skippable nu-metal-ish band opening. One of the best

Mulder's sister is flying the ship.

Hooray Show season 3 premiered with Comedians In Cars Going To Crime Scenes 2 - O.J. Simpson, and it's awesome.

HOLY SHIT YES. Stan slamming Philip into a wall yelling "Don't lie to me!" Oh man…

It took me a while to realize that Winterfell was all burnt and messed up after Theon's season 2 arc. I loved that touch.

"what the FUCK are you doing?"

And aren't the Season 1 and Season 2 credit reviews slightly different? I thought those were new for Season 2.

Agreed. I loved Daly already and was looking forward to the show, but once that line hit on the first episode, I was already laughing.

You're right, any public defender could have done what Johnnie did. He wasn't smart at all. Just because you're incredibly biased and passionate about this case doesn't discredit the fact that O.J.'s team did a great fucking job.

The run of scenes starting with that one, up through him talking to the reporter, and then suggesting Johnnie Cochran to O.J. was all really great stuff from Travolta.

I'm not sure which character you're referring to, because when a certain character departed after Season 2, I honestly thought the show got better.

Oh god, I just remembered what happened to that poor schmuck. Gillian was such a sick, sick woman.

Poor O.J. had to deal with Stuttering John yelling "Murderer!" at him at golf tournaments.

I thought Travolta's Shapiro finally came into his own last night. That scene with the reporter was brilliant.