Matt Steele

The scene in the first episode when he sits down, defeated, after hearing OJ's lie detector score was just heartbreaking. I can't imagine coming to that realization that your best friend did something so horrific, and Schwimmer really nailed that feeling. I don't know if he's a lot like the real Kardashian or not, but

Baba Booey

I loved how Marcia's boss and colleague were downplaying AC in the office. "He's like a 4th rate OJ."

The scene where he calls her up and then gets so nervous that he pretends to be a telemarketer calling about laundry detergent is so great. I remember just flat out hanging up on girls or pretending to be someone else when I was a teenager and panicked at the last minute when they picked up the phone.

Kyle Dunnigan's Trump impression on Race Wars is hysterical. The episode from 2 weeks ago was killing me when they were asking Trump his opinion on things.

That second Gabrus episode is one of the hardest laughs I've ever had in my life. Also the Seth Morris episode(s) are amazing.

Yeah, the first one where they are already referring to Zooey's show as The News Girl, and The Mimby Project, it's pretty fantastic from the get-go.

They didn't show him murder them on the TV show. At least, not in the parts of the episode I saw (I've seen up through the lie detector test scene).

Heather Graham is really believable when she falls in love with these absolutely psychotic losers (see: Stu in The Hangover). She's great in The Spy Who Shagged Me.

I'm sure everyone who watched that trailer thought, "Man, this is cool, but I really want to see a Jurassic Park rip-off about eggs hatching inside Madison Square Garden. That would be so much better."

I thought I liked Goldmember better than Spy, until I re-watched them as an adult. Oh man, Goldmember is terrible. The opening scene is fun, but the rest of it? Not so good.

RIP, Rebhorn!

He kind of portrayed Marc Maron's dad the same way on the IFC show Maron. Not as over the top, but still. At least on The Goldbergs he's surprisingly low key.

Kevin Spacey as Dr. Evil and Danny DeVito as Mini Me were particularly inspired castings. "Hey! Over here! I'm Mini Me!"

"Deep Impact; Armageddon. Volcano; Dante's Peak."
"Wyatt Earp; Tombstone."
"Panda Express; Yoshinoya Beef Bowl."

There's zero evidence to indicate it's true, other than people have posted pictures of Khloe and O.J. next to each other, and they do have a lot of similar features. Khloe's skin tone is also more consistent with that of O.J. and Nicole's kids, than the rest of her siblings. At this point, I just choose to believe it

Oh, I know they won't get into it, I was kind of joking. Kris denies ever sleeping with O.J., I thought. She admitted to another affair, but never the O.J. thing. It would be funny if the show just treated that as the truth. I'm sure the real life Kris and Khloe would LOVE that.


I laughed out loud at, "Are you on a substance currently?" because Kato just seemed high 24/7, even in the court room.

I haven't seen the episode yet (I watched the first 10 minutes and decided to save it for tonight when I can not be fighting off sleep while I watch). But I distinctly remember Kardashian reading O.J.'s note to the press.