Matt Steele

Do we get any indication that O.J. is Khloe's biological father? That's one celebrity rumor that I 100% am convinced is the truth.

I love High and Mighty, just haven't gotten around to that episode yet. Gabrus is the #1 Fuck Boiiii!

I'd love if they just made another episode with Todd and went through a different Staind album. As long as it led to another, "Is this song by U2?" quiz, which is the hardest and longest I've continuously laughed at a podcast in my entire life. When they got to the Friends theme song, I had to pull my car over because

You need Jerry Lawler to also indignantly yell, "WHAT?!" in his signature high pitch voice, while JR hypes up "What an unprecedented moment we are seeing, folks! By God, it's Marc Maron!"

Although, it would have been a lot funnier video, I bet, if it had ended with her just being a sex addicted pedophile who really did "lay pipe to a 12-year-old".

Gethard is fucking incredible. The picture he painted of the Kumite scene (something I'd never even heard of) was so vivid. Josh sounds like a nightmare, and I'm glad Chris was able to recover. OR DID HE?!

I feel like we were on our April Vacation week during Columbine, but I could be wrong about that. Either way, I remember thinking how fucked we'd be if a similar event ever happened in our high school. I was a freshman when that happened, and our school was an "open concept" school, built in the early 70s. Instead of

I was also in sixth grade at the time, and our principal made an announcement to inform us that he would NOT be making an announcement regarding the verdict. We were all very disappointed. He probably shouldn't have made ANY announcement at all, because that's all anyone could talk about or think about that day. It's

Gifford did slay a lot of ladies, though, in a way… (I'm referring to him having had multiple extramarital affairs)

I have to think that the screenwriter thought, "Well, hell, The Deer Hunter was a war epic that started with a wedding, we can't go wrong here, right? I'm gonna get so many Oscars…"

Kingpin is a good sports comedy movie. It's not a parody.

Marilyn Manson's music video for "Tainted Love" is truly something to be seen.

"You don't want no part of this shit!"

I don't think her Mean Girls character was a JLH impression at all, but she did do a very good job in NATM.

To be fair, that happens in a lot of Bond movies. He doesn't hold over the women he "loves" from film to film, so why should Austin?

Wait, is this for real? If so, that's awesome. That movie introduced me to Charles Dance, but I weirdly don't think I'd seen him in anything from that movie until the 7th episode of Game of Thrones, where Tywin Lannister gets the best introduction to a TV character I think I've ever seen.

That was clearly James Cameron having the most fun imaginable on screen. Easily his most light-hearted movie, and it's still a blast to watch, even if it's completely ridiculous.

I loved that movie as a kid. Rewatched it my senior year of high school expecting it to suck, and I enjoyed it MORE. I got a lot more of the other movie references and jokes, and despite Austen O'Brien's awful, shitty, no-good 90s haircut, I still really enjoyed it.

Not really a parody, though. It parodies things at times in the movie (I still have the you're down on your luck and your life sucks song partially memorized), but it's not really a typical sports movie parody.

The Bond-esque opening with Weird Al's song is the best part. And the Cliffhanger scene before that is good, too, I guess.