Matt Steele

And I don't think Balor Club is just referring to the fans. I'd be shocked if he doesn't amass a sort of stable once he's gone to the dark side. He's starting to look more and act more like a cocky asshole, and I can't wait to see him bring some of that smarmy Prince Devitt Bullet Club swagger to NXT. And he

Sasha is definitely not being buried. I was at RAW in Boston on Monday night, and that pre-taped segment in the parking lot with the Bellas got a great reaction, and then when Sasha got the submission victory, the place exploded. Any time she was on the ring apron, half the crowd was chanting "We want Sasha!". Hell,

The way the whole crowd erupted in boos, as if to say, "Whoa, that's
just too much" and the look on Sasha's face as she took in all that heel
heat was just amazing. And I almost started tearing up when they got the close up of Izzy's crying/screaming face.

It was reminiscent of a PG version of the ECW Dudley Boyz, and it also reminded me a lot of the Kevin Owens way of heeling. It was brilliant.

I'm 32 years old and I was so into the heat of the moment of that match that I was enraged at Sasha, and I wasn't even in the building. So I would definitely forgive an 8 year old for getting so caught up in the moment and crying, especially when she was the actual victim of the taunting and harassment.

"Great, now I gotta comfort her instead of just enjoying the match. Thanks a LOT, Sasha."

Oh my god. This… wow. Unbelievable.

I'm a big fan of the show, Adam, and this is so awesome that you responded. Bev's pitch-perfect use of the F bomb is always welcome, but the fart line was so unexpected (and so funny for so many reasons) that I could not contain myself. Thanks for making such a great show.

Geoff trying to hide what he said by saying, "Uh… I farted? I.. uh.. Yeah, I farted." was the biggest laugh I'd had from a network sitcom show in a long, long time. I rewound that scene 3 times.

It wouldn't fit in with the theme of Random Roles, but I would've loved to have heard about him almost getting the lead on Cheers.

Guns N Roses - "Patience"
Guns N Roses - "Civil War"

I always mention this in comments about this show and that scene in particular, but Bobby being at the lounge wasn't even supposed to happen. Dana Ashbrook just happened to show up on set that day and Lynch decided to put him in the scene. His nonverbal reaction to everything that's happening is unbelievable. I

That whistling refrain in "Games" always gives me the chills. The scene in The Americans that used that song was incredible. I'd agree it's better than any Collins song.

Phil wearing a black leather trench coat and black beanie in the video is also awesome. I love that song and video

That was probably the last Wes Craven movie that I really loved.

At least Fichtner probably got a much better pay day for the fact that that scene was actually in the movie. (Or maybe not, I have no idea how that sort of thing works. My guess is he gets some sweet residuals out of it?)

I wish I could just watch that whole movie right now. I have honestly seen that movie in its entirety at least 20 times, and I will never get sick of it. Even with the ridiculously rushed ending that makes no sense.

I loved that trailer. I may have the chronology wrong but I think I saw that trailer before I saw Jurassic Park, and was really excited to see that movie in theaters when it came out. And honestly, I still love that movie.

That opening scene of Cliffhanger is really, really great. As much as I like villainous Lithgow, I get so bored with the rest of the movie because that first scene is just so incredible.

Does anyone know how that fight was supposed to originally end in the original script? There's no way that wasn't just tacked on because of 9/11. Was Spidey just going to outsmart him and beat him alone? Hard to imagine.