Matt Steele

That song does fucking rule.

You've got an Offspring song from early in their catalog randomly on there too, right next to Seal, right next to U2. It really is bizarre.

I looked forward to that for Beast and Colossus. I barely remember Colossus even being in the movie, and Beast was basically Grammer doing Gary The Rat. Such a disappointment.

I never read Watchmen but I really wanted to see that movie after seeing the trailer before The Dark Knight. The usage of Smashing Pumpkins "The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning" was so great.

The poster kind of made it obvious too. Not as obvious as the trailer when he's screaming and there's fire behind him, but still.

Or even just Spider Man 2, where it's clear that Harry is in the process of pulling off Spidey's mask. You literally see the material on the mask starting to be pulled off of his head in the trailer, and you know 100% that Harry finds out in the movie that Peter Parker is Spiderman. Why the hell would they do that?!

Wait, wait, wait (or, really, "What, what, what?!" would be more appropriate)… Do you mean to tell me that Canadians don't REALLY have "flappy little heads" or "beady little eyes"?! This is news to me.

Agreed. Sometimes being a heel just amounts to being a mean person, and Paige's comments, while rooted in truth, were all mean towards the other Divas. As a "smart fan" it was exciting to hear and see, but if I'm going to a live event, you can bet I will boo Paige, because she's a heel, and that's my duty, damn it!

Yeah, and when the Bellas came out right after Paige left, they inexplicably still got cheered like babyfaces upon their entrance theme playing. Hey, Texas, they're heels!

Eh, Wrong!!

LiveMetallica.com has some great free bootlegs in the vaults, for those interested. Some from 83 and 84, others from the 90s, but definitely worth checking out if you're a fan. And they've got almost every live show since 2006 or so available for purchase. The free ones are at this page: http://www.livemetallica.co…

I personally love Big Whiskey and the Groo Grux King. It's probably their most "rock" album, but the more mellow tracks are also phenomenal ("Lying in the Hands of God" is pretty devastating).

It's always a bit with Scharpling.

On the plus side, it's a super talented cast, and less annoying kids!

There was one season where her face looked… different. But it didn't look particularly fake or plastic surgery-ish either. And then the following season, she basically looked like she did in all the previous seasons, so if it was some sort of health problem or reaction to medication, I could totally buy that. But her

"Ah, yes. Gordon Street. I once knew a girl who lived on Gordon Street…"

You mean like the one where Will got shot and then Carlton went and got a gun and brought it to the hospital to show Will that he was gonna go get revenge? I saw that one on TV fairly recently and there were like ZERO laughs in the last five minutes of the episode. It is bizarre.

You are absolutely incorrect . Jazz specifically said in the season premiere, "Hey Will, Aunt Viv look a little different to you?"

She says "If you throw that ring back at me, I will barf because that's such a cliche!" or something close to that. To which, Nate, asshole that he is, throws the ring and says, "Barf."

Chappelle was so good in that movie.