Matt Steele

This article inspired me to search Eazy E on YouTube. And I stumbled across Howard Stern interviewing Eazy E in the same room as the former LAPD Chief of police. This is definitely NSFW with the liberal dropping of the "N" word, but it is must-listen stuff. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

If I had to guess, I wouldn't be shocked if they were very intoxicated during the making of that video

My problem with that is they released a video and it was a minor hit for the band, so the band still loses cool points for that.

Then that's not weird at all

Different albums, though, technically.

The final track on Mayhem's Wolf's Lair Abyss EP ends with a repeating riff that ends up opening follow-up album A Grand Declaration of War, and that same riff is then repeated again later on in the album for the intro to "A View From Nihil (Part II)".

Speaking of Bosstones, no idea why there are 2 versions of "Someday I Suppose," but I like the re-recorded version with the little extra lead guitar melodies (which was on Don't Know How To Party, I believe?)

I remember seeing the video for "Back to School" and it said White Pony for the album name, and I was like "This is a shittier, more commercial rap-rocky version of a good song from White Pony, but this is NOT on White Pony!" and then the next week they released the new version with the bonus track. Ugh, I hate that

Machine Head released two versions of the song "Darkness Within" from Unto the Locust, and while the acoustic version is more of a bonus track, it doesn't sound particularly out of place closing the album, either.

Yeah, I hate that version. The one with the more hip hop beat is my preferred version, simply because that other version sounds too much like "we're all camping on the beach so let's sing along". At least the production on the video version is interesting.

If we're talking Pumpkins, then both of their songs from the Batman & Robin soundtrack are identical, just one is an industrial rock song and the other is an orchestral dirge. "The End Is The Beginning Is The End" and "The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning"

Baroness's Blue Record has three different versions of the same instrumental song ("Bullhead's Psalm," "Ogeechee Hymnal," "Bullhead's Lament") that appear at key parts of the album, all with slight variations, and they are all completely sonically different (different production, guitar tones, etc.) yet thematically

Wait, people will play "Time" and THEN "Breathe" on the radio? In that order? That's a disgrace.

I was legitimately shocked they were silent throughout the Wyatt Family entrance. Made that entrance feel appropriately eerie for the first time in forever.

Oh god, this one. There have been probably a dozen instances of someone getting beaten up and losing their Rumble spot in the past. Foley taking a spot in the 04 Rumble comes to mind.

"It's quite possible a man or two slipped in there… would be no way of knowing."

I just realized I had already commented on this with the lyrics to the "suck it" jingle. Carry on.

Ironically, that line is perfectly set up for someone else to end it with "That's what she said"

Creed also says, "Yes, but I pay for that privilege!" which is just really odd. With whom did Creed have some sort of paid arrangement to go poop in the women's room? I'm guessing Kelly. It had to be Kelly.

I just got really giddy at the thought of Cesaro doing the Rainmaker Pose, and the camera zooming out from afar. Okada is the best!