Matt Steele

"Cena merch sales dropped hugely" according to Kevin Dunn, basically. Nobody actually believes there was any solid evidence of this.

I just feel like Ambrose and Reigns turning on each other should never be a thing. Especially with the way Rollins turned on them. Maybe it would work if Reigns turned on Ambrose, because Ambrose's whole thing is "I can't get over what my best friend did to me, but at least I still have this OTHER awesome best friend

Ambrose is insanely ripped when he takes his shirt off. He is definitely not in bad shape. He just doesn't have the most explosive offense.

I've never seen Arrow but I already love the guy, and I know I'm not the only WWE fan thinking the same thing. I'm legitimately excited for that match, and I LOVED Stardust and The Cosmic King's promo last night. So over the top, but so perfect for this feud.

I got douche-chills just reading that.

Miz's "Now everybody shut up while I take my sunglasses off" was very Rick Rude-esque. I'm loving Miz on the mic lately.

Move over, Bruce. There's a new BOSS in town!


Named after Serial, the first podcast, of course.

*Music cue plays 2 seconds of the chorus of "The Jack" by AC/DC*

"I'll never have dinner with the President!" - Ice Cube, 1993. He lied to us!

Next week on 100 Episodes:

There's also the theory that O.J. Simpson is her father. I can kind of believe it.

Yeah, Reigns cutting off Ambrose's rambling promo about friendship and getting into trouble in border towns was really funny. You can tell that these two actually ARE friends, so it's great to be able to buy into them as a tag team.

I was shocked that Cole actually pointed out that it was a site we've seen many times in NXT before. It actually made it feel important and relevant, instead of just ignoring it like the announcers tend to do.

Triple H has 3 Motorhead songs - "The Game," "Evolution," and "King of Kings," and they all have different purposes. "The Game" is his match theme song. "Evolution" is obviously the Evolution theme, and "King of Kings" is his Authority song. It's not that much different than Vince's "No Chance" still being busted out

I also love how they only joked about adding other all-black tag teams. You go, New Day!

"Kevin, have you put on some weight?"
"…No!" It was a perfect way to insult a bully character.

Yeah, when Orton is fired up, he's so great to watch. That's why the match at Mania with Rollins was so good. Randy knew he was getting a big Mania win, and when the crowd went apeshit over that last RKO, you could see how much he was enjoying it.

I remember thinking Dre's fast Eminem-style rhymes on 2001 (the first half of the final verse of "Forgot About Dre" comes to mind) were a little out of place at the time, but they grew on me eventually.