Matt Steele

Xzibit's verse on "What's the Difference?" is one of my favorite verses on 2001. He was great on that album.

I don't think Bobcat cares what the public thinks about him, so you shouldn't feel too bad. I also don't think anyone under 25 has any awareness of that character at all.

If you want to hear an alcoholic (Harmon) talk for 20 minutes about how he's not an alcoholic, then you might enjoy it. That's seriously the first 20 minutes of their discussion.

Ching Chong Matinee is an all time CBB masterpiece. The imitation of Woody Allen saying, "Jeeesus!" always makes me laugh. Reggie's theme song to the film is a masterpiece.

It was seriously the worst episode of Comedy Bang Bang I've ever heard.

I don't know, the first episode contained a lengthy discussion on Huey Lewis so this wasn't really a new development over the course of the show.

When Bonobos mentioned Brian Eno, I was really hoping Scott would interject and say, "Mm, Ol' Sourpuss, of course."

Wait a minute, is this an episode of "'ducation"?

The plot of that movie sounds like it's right up my alley, so I'll have to check it out, thanks!

When Adam cut Scott off in the studio to say, "Who cares?" about Scott telling the band he liked Zooropa, that was the biggest laugh in the episode for me.

Yeah, you really don't need to care much about U2 at all to enjoy this.

It doesn't exist, Adam!!

I am kicking myself for not even thinking of this, especially since they had decent chemistry at Wrestle Kingdom, but I don't know if Ross could properly sell some of the ridiculous characters and story arcs of Lucha Underground.

Except she doesn't try to get herself over like those jackasses. She just enjoys herself. Brock Lesnar Guy is the worst. BarberShopWindow made a T-shirt with the outline of that guy doing the Lesnar pose and the caption "I'm Markin' Out, Bro!" and that guy WORE THAT SHIRT, of HIMSELF, to a Pay Per View. Just the

Does he leave the color commentary desk? If so, who joins? Please, please, PLEASE do not hire Taz! (Not that I can see Taz moving to LA to be an announcer, but who knows)

He's unrecognizable as the bald, makeup-less color commentator alongside Matt Striker, but he's very good at his job.

Is that anything like The River Wild? What's with Bacon and playing the villain in rafting-centric movies?

Villainous Kevin Bacon is pretty great. This premise sounds interesting. I will see this eventually.

something something "and that's why you always leave a note"

Edge keeping it to mock Cena was also fine by me. When he added the Rated R logo to it, it was kind of stupid, but Edge was supposed to be a jackass, so again, I was fine with that.