Matt Steele

I like it a lot better than the earlier version with the scratch logo, actually. I love the gigantic WWE logo. It looks like the most important belt in the company, which the spinner version never really did.

Did you listen to the words? They basically said, "Sheamus is here because the enemy of our enemy is our friend." It's definitely tenuous.

I kind of liked it. I also liked Orton walking in on the Shield-style promo from Ambrose and Reigns, too. Anything to break up the monotony a little bit is good.

Yeah, it took her a while to find a unique look that matched her personality, but this one is definitely it. Even Corey Graves stopped mocking her for her ever-changing appearance and gimmick once this look came around.

Speaking of Green Day, "Basketcase" definitely had that same color saturation going on too. Good call.

Yeah, any time they mention lizard brain I immediately realize they're making another riff on YMIW. I'm assuming they're actually friendly with him in real life, but it never ceases to crack my whole shit up when they bus' on ol' Petey.

Am I the only one who was REALLY annoyed that the announcers made no mention of Seth Rollins' Phoenix Splash whatsoever? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this was the first time he's busted that move out since the classic Royal Rumble triple threat match against Cena and Lesnar. Yet he missed the splash and it was

I remember thinking around 1994 that music videos didn't have anything colorful in them, like, at all. By 1999, everything was so oversaturated and colorful it was almost blinding. I'm thinking in particular of videos from LEM, Sugar Ray, Smash Mouth, Spice Girls, and basically anything McG directed. Not to mention

That album is still full of great hard rock songs. "Tourniquet" in particular is devastating and moving, while still really catchy.

He was also probably over the insane hype that Odelay received. Beck was seriously on the cover of every magazine, with nothing but rave reviews, for what seemed like 2 years after that album came out. It was a ridiculously successful album, and I'm sure it was Beck's cultural permeation that rubbed him the wrong way,

I think Shoemaker would have already been gone if they were purging everybody. He's a pretty successful author and internet personality at this point, I don't think ESPN would just drop him.

I'm a huge nerd, too. I've seen Star Wars, like, three times.

They had a very specific Pete Holmes burn on a recent episode. I think it was when they were joking about how Pete had Vladimir Putin on as a guest (the same week as Obama on WTF). They were saying how great it was to hear half of a story told by Putin, only for Pete to come in and say that the same thing happened to

AVClub and Grantland remain pretty positive and have smart outlooks on WWE and NXT. I also like going to Uproxx for their pro wrestling coverage.

Thank God Stephanie McMahon decided to single-handedly save the Divas division! Who cares if she's supposed to be a heel? She's now the hero of WWE!

It honestly makes my eyes hurt looking at it on a screen for a prolonged period of time.

Heel Emma is definitely NOT boring.

I love Wyatt, and people seem to be back on the bandwagon now that Harper is back in the Family. I'm excited to see who this new Family member might be for SummerSlam (it ain't going to be Rowan, he's still out for the rest of the year with his injury). Bryan Alvarez doesn't have high hopes, he said the new member

Lem had a decent run on Sons of Anarchy. I've seen him in other things too.

You should find the episode Scott appeared on last season. He and Jimmy play the Pyramid game and they are both really good at it.