Matt Steele

I only wish PFT had been there. Maybe then, he could have relayed to Adam Clay2000lbs the story we've all been dying to hear: the story of when he first heard the band U2.

"Magnificent" is one of my favorite U2 songs of all-time. I think that album would have done much better if that had been the first single instead of "Boots".

That would have been so much better. Sure, the writing would have sucked, but just to see Donald as the senior Bauer would've been fantastic.

He's really good on this show. He was great as "Rick Springfield" on Californication, as well.

Vince Vaughn's gritted-teeth angry serious face is just too much. It takes me out of every scene he's in when he does that. When he's not trying so hard, like when he was roughing up that guy after the fender bender, he is great.

But… they all like sex, and stuff! So did Oberyn!

God, his heel promos during that era were the best. "AJ says she loves me very much. And I appreciate that!"

I agree. Even in his US Championship days on Smackdown when he wasn't given much mic time, he was incredibly over because his movements and overall way about himself in the ring were full of charisma. He never seemed like he was trying too hard to be something he wasn't. Even when he became a crazy heel going to anger

He's currently out due to a concussion issue, not a neck one, according to most sources. Concussion issues are almost scarier, at this point.

I will always love Colm Meaney for his over the top performance in Con Air. He's a guy playing an American, yet you can tell he has a hard time hiding his Irish accent when he's angry. And in Con Air, he is literally on the verge of screaming in every scene. It's the best.

That was such a fucking waste of Cromwell, too. Ugh, I hated that season so much.

The way he says "He was bangin' cocktail waitresses two at a time!" is one of my favorite instances of the Boston accent in any film.

I have never really liked a Taylor Swift song, until "Style" came along. I'm not a huge pop guy, and I can tolerate most of her hits, but "Style" is a song I genuinely love.

Eh, I don't know, she IS Vince's daughter… If RAW were still TV-14, you never know.

Stephanie would never say, "I love violence," however, because PG.

I'm honestly hoping that once Owens takes the US title from Cena, Cena then enters the IC title picture, and does for that belt what he just did for the US title. If I'm not mistaken, the IC championship is the only WWE Championship that Cena has never held.

I was expecting that too, but then I thought that the Owens character most likely realized "Why would I bother fighting Cena tonight after already getting beaten on by these two, even for a little while? I'll take him on fresh on Sunday."

Yeah, sympathetic emo/unshaven Rusev with his sad crutches in the backstage segments was truly heartbreaking. He WAS the babyface. Ziggler should have gone full "I'll steal your girlfriend like I steal the show" heel like he was 3 years ago, and it would have been much better.

Especially if it comes right after Summer Rae berates Rusev and beats him down and makes him feel like a complete piece of shit after a hard-fought loss. Having Lana fight her off and come to his rescue would be the best.

The title track is a huge guilty pleasure of mine. It's a really beautiful song.