Mountain Goats are kickass!
Mountain Goats are kickass!
Have some more capital letters there Turkelton. Maybe you hit the shift key before your next post?? Food for thought.
Forming an opinion after watching several of their shitty videos isn't sad. I think that having such a low bar for female comedians is sad.
No… This was more of an opinion that became stronger and stronger over time. I guess I had just had enough after so many people kept telling mr how "funny" and "original" G&O are… Um, false! It's not funny!
Replace G&O with Tim and Eric, and then you have a damn fine line-up.
Having Ted and his band sing songs for 30 minutes would be way more entertaining.
Yes yes yes! Jables and Rage Kage! Those two are the best at comedy, music, and comedic music! They are excellent. If anyone on this comments board never saw their HBO show, then you are missing out.
Or maybe that was an amusing simile? :)
Now thats a metaphor that is amusing.
Isn't that a line from a G&O song? "Something something get laid, something something alex p. keaton…"
You just proved my point that G&O fans are the most super sensitive bunch of whinny people out there. G&O have this buzz that has been festering just under the radar, and now after 5-6 years this festered buzz is being shoved onto IFC because of this mentality that comedic hack hanger-ons who happen to just show up,…
These two "comedians" are just awful. Having watched a great many of their unfunny youtube videos, and now seeing that any 30 something hack with a guitar that can manage to parrot pop culture references, has now left me with the realization that hipster comedy is being enjoyed by legions of the lowest common…