Tyler Kemp

When will there be an all cat cast of these comic book movies?
Bruce Wayne is going to be called Brucey Whiskers.
The Joker will be called Mr. Fuzzy Mischief.
Cat Woman will be called… Cat Woman?
The Riddler will be called Teh Meower
Bane will be called Blinkee
The Scarecrow will be called Teh Schared Fuzz

He would have "SPAZZ" tattooed across his forehead.

Meh… I am cautiously optimistic about this version of the Joker. I hope that Leto is able to make this role seem unique from the other actors that have portrayed the clown prince of crime. My favorite Joker is the Heath Ledger version. It was a crowning achevement for Ledger, and TDK would have been one of the

You're better off buying Quilted Northern 2-ply.
We are talking about what's best used for wiping one's arse, right?

Remember when Time magazine still had a shred of credibility?

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian?? Really, Time???? I guess Time cares nothing for the person's influence being, on the whole, negative and pointless.
Great Job!

Influential like the way a tumor has influence as is spreads inside your body. :)

I admit that I laughed for a long time when she threatened that kid with being kidnapped and tied up outside of the walls. That was very very hilarious. I would have thrown in a reference to how his acting like a stupid Hardy Boy is going to get his whole family eaten by waterlogged zombies.

His mustache is running the show. That thing should be it's own character. Big mustaches for everyone!!!!

That is true. I really like how Carroll has turned into a strong survivor and leader… but she could be headed down a dark path. Scaring little nosey kids is fun, but Jesus Christ… Me thinks she might have crossed a line.

There is some heavy s*** just over the horizon, and it is going to be really epic once it happens. Are the writers going to make us fans wait another year before we get to see the Saviors? There must be a reason for the group to be at Alexandria at this moment. I think that Alexandria was being protected/extorted

Five episodes/ half-way into this season, and I am hooked. I love the way I am beginning to feel empathy for Mr. James McGill, and it is building up the same way my empathy for Walter White built in season one of Breaking Bad.
Best line in the show this week?
"Fill me up, Chandler! Oh… you're a big boy!"

Just another termite that's choking on a splinter…

Best line ever! Followed closely by "It's 'getting arrested' that makes you look guilty."

Let us hope so. The show is actually going to be on Monday nights from now on.

I needed a pick-me-up after TWD. Better Call Saul was awesome, and did the trick. I love the idea of watching how a man (James McGill) is going to walk down a path to become Saul Goodman. The first hour had some great dark humor in it, and I LOVED SEEING SAUL IN THE PRESENT! His prediction of managing a Cinnabon

I heard that Rubber Johnny is going to start his own band. Their name will be "e-tard and trips balls"
I know I can't be the only one who is excited. :-]

Nope. All HOMERsexuals.

South Park.

"What do you think of this Simpson's Week, Gabbo?"