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    This show was the shit. I realize a lot of folks feel S1 was the best, but I really prefer S2. Those final 3 episodes were totally kickass.

    How do you make a procedural out of this? Each episode in a different country?

    Awesome to see this comment section still going despite being a year since this first aired.

    Nah, she was white, and Wally was originally her nephew.

    Carmen Infantino, the artist after whom the episode is named, co-created Iris's character back in the 50s.

    Easily the best trilogy in the history of film, IMO. Simple, but epic.

    And this news came out right on the heels of Christopher Lloyd doing an indie flick which has time travel undertones.

    In another news, Robert Zemeckis is in the running to direct the feature version of The Flash. Someone who actually knows to write time travel and use it judiciously.

    Until the writers decide otherwise.

    What are the chances that time travel in the finale will stop Iris's death?

    Three straight A's in a row? This show is such a delight.

    Also, the Savitar reveal reminded me of this comic arc called Armageddon 2001, where the character of Monarch killed Dove of Hawk & Dove, forcing Hawk to kill him. Upon unmasking the guy, he turns out to be the future Hawk, and the present Hawk takes up the mantle.

    And/Or Jesse.

    Yeah… but killing off the series lead is a much more significant choice than that of a supporting character.

    So when Savitar'll try to kill Iris, Barry'll kill himself to wipe them both out of existence.

    Scott Glenn was like, what, 75 when they shot this? What a tremendously physical performance. Mesmerizing stuff.

    Sure thing.

    Yeah, and that way, you can still call it 'The Flash'.

    What if Barry ends up dying in the finale? Be pretty bold.

    Funnily enough, that RAW was in Nashville.