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    Don't ask me. I only fuck rock stars

    Kinja sucks

    If he bones fans then it's likely he boned people who are on the site. Maybe they are worried about being figured out.

    Fuck you buddy, send more money

    Jezebel makes me want to be a republican.

    Nothing really spoiler about it. Bud/Brianna have been moving towards each other since season one

    So how can they frame Quinn if he was in the mental hospital during some of the postings?

    Dear Evan Hansen and the great comet

    That's a good point bc their parents seem like the type to try to instill self sufficiency whereas Grace/Robert probably were the "let's hire someone" types.

    What about when Grace tells her that she's been dressing for Santa Fe her whole life. Lol

    It's funny how they are opposites with coping skills in different situations. Things that make Frankie freak are nbd to Grace and vice versa. Though, a lot of the things that upset Grace are based on the way she's viewed by others.

    I wish we would have found out who robbed them. Was it isolated or part of a spree? If there wasn't a bunch of break ins in the area then they were targeted.

    I'm not even sure that they are meant to be together. There's a difference between having an affair and being married. They should just all live together and be communal cuz it's obvious that they can't function without being tied to each other.

    I would have liked to see more movement towards the inevitable Bud/Brianna coupling but maybe Brianna's irl pregnancy limited it. I did not see the other relationship coming but I am glad to see some growth with Mallory's character. I had written her off as unnecessary until this season. However, iirc, she was

    The floor episode was so good. I know it's not a perfect show but I can't really think of another show that can make a hilarious episode out of 2 people on the floor.
    I personally think it's found a good balance between being a sitcom that's intelligent and semi conventional. It's not too high brow like people say

    Jessa is a terrible friend without the Adam situation. I think she treats people poorly bc she's in constant survival mode.

    I already saw it. He's definitely winning. I think Rachel Bay Jones is winning, too but I'd rather see Amber Gray from the great comet win.

    This is one of the few comedies where I truly lol. I think the Sheen/Waterston arc can be slimmed way down. I'd rather have more time with the kids, they have a great dynamic and how long until they get married to each other? It's coming.

    I don't see Dunham essentially slut shaming Jessa by having her die but getting back with Adam. It's so not the idea of the show.

    Platt was better than Gad in BOM. Truth