Tek Jansen

You replied while I was adding stuff. Anyway… Yeah, fair point. There's definitely some revisionist history going on there.

Some people get bothered if the violence is sort of realistic (blood, people acting like they got hurt, that sort of thing) but they don't care if they see the hokey violence in old movies where people get shot and just fall over or you can tell the punches aren't connecting. John Wick is probably too intense for

… and he didn't own the car.

His hair is long by current standards, but it is sort of all one length. No mullet.

It looked like practically everybody from the various factions were trying to kill each other. Under those conditions, the various street level people inspired by Batman (such as that female archer who went around with one breast exposed) should have been dropping like flies while they did things like shooting

People on the message boards I frequented thought it was really clever. I mostly just had to fight the urge to say something like, "Shouldn't he have just been thrown forward in time again instead of exploding?" or "Since when does he explode if something happens to his armor?"

I read Kingdom Come shortly after it was released in a trade paperback edition. I get the meta aspect. As far as the story goes, I mostly just found myself wondering why the big group of non-powered heroes didn't get slaughtered by the people with useful powers and why Ross and Waid thought "splitting" Captain Atom

So… Eight episodes? Kasher is funny sometimes, but I… well… I mostly just hope that Leggero isn't as awful in real life as she seemed in her last stand-up special.

I prefer Marvels over Kingdom Come both for the story and the art. Kingdom Come features a few neat character redesigns, but those Crisis on Infinite Earths-style panels with too many people in them don't work for me. I can't really follow the action in the fight scenes and the story didn't exactly dazzle me.

I never liked Kingdom Come, so I spent a lot of years dealing with people who insisted I only said that because I was being contrarian for the heck of it because EVERYBODY loves Kingdom Come. It got annoying. You know, sort of like how a lot of dudes who got into comics in the Nineties used to insist that everybody

Is that gal who tells people they will die a virgin if they say they don't like a song she likes still posting here?

I recently rewatched Wonder Boys and kind of liked it. It might have helped that I self-published a book, so I could kind of relate to a bunch of writers.

Oh goody. I'll get more sideboob images in the tweets that seem designed to lure me toward malware. "Want to have sex with Russian women? How about buying some fake followers? Ignore your instincts and concentrate on this woman in a bikini while we phish."

Bill Mumy

I've been watching TOS lately. I totally forgot that the original Enterprise could go Warp 9 (I thought the top speed was Warp 6 due to fuzzy memories of Scotty going on about strain on the engines) and that they occasionally mentioned using "credits" as currency. In the first season or two, they definitely used

That would be awesome. Trace Beaulieu, obviously, would play the robot.

But one guy is literally called The Thing, another guy generates heat and the third guy can stretch every part of his body. The porn parody practically writes itself.

Those are good ideas. Local libraries might want some of my trade paperbacks if I ever decide to get rid of the ones I won't ever read again. I don't know if they would want Walt and Louise Simonson X-Factors.

I'd have to find something less violent to do, like being the guy who tries to defuse bombs. We don't need another hero.

So… My plan to move to Australia and join a motorcycle gang wouldn't work?